
Analiza povezanosti kazalnikov digitalizacije in korupcije : magistrsko delo
ID Bijuklić, Marko (Author), ID Todorovski, Ljupčo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Digitalizacija je proces, ki na podlagi zavedanja o prednostih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij spreminja družbene odnose med posamezniki in način poslovanja organizacij. Rezultat uspešne digitalne transformacije so tehnološke inovacije, ohranjanje konkurenčne prednosti in vsesplošni napredek države. Država igra ključno vlogo pri spodbujanju in usmerjanju razvoja digitalizacije, zaveda pa se tudi, da je potrebno oblikovati okolje, ki bo konkurenčnemu razvoju naklonjeno. Digitalizacija državne uprave predstavlja pomemben del procesa digitalne transformacije. Cilj je zagotoviti prilagodljivo, racionalno, učinkovito, uporabno ter transparentno upravo, ki bo z odprtimi podatki med drugim skušala tudi omejevati oz. zmanjševati stopnjo korupcije v državi. Korupcija ima namreč škodljive posledice, saj zavira gospodarski razvoj in povzroča vsesplošno nezaupanje v državo. Magistrsko delo posveča pozornost prednostim digitalizacije, ki bi lahko bile povezane z zmanjševanjem stopnje korupcije. Namen je bil ob mednarodni primerjavi najnovejših meritev vrednosti kazalnikov digitalizacije in korupcije ugotoviti stopnjo medsebojne povezanosti. Sprva smo proučili in obširno predstavili osnovne pojme digitalizacije, digitalne uprave oz. e-uprave ter korupcije. Proučili smo tudi kazalnike digitalizacije in korupcije, na podlagi katerih smo izpeljali empirično raziskavo, ki je temeljila na najbolj svežih podatkih za analizo izbranih držav. V okviru korelacijske analize smo s pomočjo izračuna Spearmanovega koeficienta ugotovili, da v opazovanih letih obstaja zelo močna pozitivna korelacija med kazalniki digitalizacije in korupcije. Zaključimo, da je višja stopnja digitalizacije in razvitosti e-uprave povezana z nižjo stopnjo korupcije in obratno. Spoznanje, da so prednosti digitalizacije izjemnega pomena in lahko bistveno vplivajo na koruptivna ravnanja deležnikov v prihodnosti, predstavlja pomemben prispevek k znanosti in stroki.

Keywords:informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, digitalizacija, digitalna uprava, e-uprava, indeks zaznave korupcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bijuklić]
Number of pages:XII, 104 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129222 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74849283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the correlation between indicators of digitalization and corruption
Digitalization is a process that changes social relations and the way of doing business on the basis of awareness of the advantages of information and communication technologies. The result of a successful digital transformation are technological innovations, maintaining a competitive advantage and the overall progress of the country. The state plays a key role in promoting and directing the development of digitalization, but is also aware of the need to create an environment that is conducive to competitive development. The digitalization of the government is an important part of the digital transformation process. The goal is to provide a flexible, rational, efficient, useful and transparent government, which will, also by deployment of open data, try to limit or reduce the level of corruption in the country. Corruption has harmful consequences, as it hinders economic development and causes widespread mistrust in the country. The master’s thesis pays attention to the advantages of digitalization, which could be related to reducing the level of corruption. The purpose of the international comparison of the latest measurements of the values of digitalization and corruption indicators was to determine the degree of interconnectedness. Initialy we studied and extensively presented the basic concepts of digitalization, digital government, e-government, and corruption. We also studied the indicators of digitalization and corruption, on the basis of which we conducted an empirical study based on the most recent data for the analysis of selected countries. As part of the correlation analysis, we used the Spearman correlation coefficient to find that in the observed years there is a very strong positive correlation between the indicators of digitalization and corruption. We conclude that a higher level of digitalization and development of e-government is associated with a lower level of corruption and vice versa. The conclusion that the benefits of digitalization are of paramount importance and can have a significant impact on future corrupt practices of stakeholders is an important contribution to the administrative practice and science.

Keywords:information and communication technology, digitalization, digital government, e-government, corruption, corruption perceptions index

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