In our master's thesis, we researched in a qualitative way, how the providers of social and health services for the homeless people, provided services in the area of the Municipality of Ljubljana, during the first wave of the epidemic. With the declaration of the epidemic and the general quarantine in Slovenia, homeless people became extremely visible. They were the only ones spending days on the streets at the time of the cessation of public life and the slogan “stay-at-home”. In the theoretical part, we presented the concept of epidemic and the new coronavirus COVID-19 and the current legislation in the field of declaring an epidemic. We highlighted all competent authorities and important measures and defined the concept of vulnerable groups and homelessness. We described characteristics of non-government organisations and presented their role in solving health and social problems faced by homeless people. We concluded the theoretical part with ethical principles and guidelines and a set of social work methods, which are a condition for successful work with homeless people. With the help of a questionnaire for professionals of social organizations and an interview with a health worker, we empirically researched the operation of programs in the Municipality of Ljubljana before the epidemic and what changes the proclamation brought to their work. We focused on the barriers to the flood of information that service providers experienced in the first wave of the epidemic, on the cooperation between organizations and on the desires they have to address and prevent homelessness. We supported the presentation of the results with newspaper articles, documents and public calls. The purpose of our research is that the information gathered by organizations working in practice with homeless people serves as a support to lawmakers to protect the most vulnerable.