
Potrebe sorodnikov ljudi z demenco v času epidemije COVID-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Bizjan, Maša (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu so me zanimale potrebe sorodnikov ljudi z demenco, ki so v domači oskrbi, ki so se pojavile v času epidemije COVID-19. V teoretičnem delu se dotaknem starih ljudi in njihovih sorodnikov v času epidemije COVID-19, opredelim kdo so ljudje z demenco, modele pojmovanja demence, neformalne oskrbovalce in njihove potrebe in oskrbo v skupnosti. Izvedla sem osem intervjujev s sorodniki ljudi z demenco, ki so v domači oskrbi. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave oziroma osmih intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila preko telefona zaradi epidemije COVID-19, sem želela izvedeti njihove potrebe na področju oskrbe na vseh ravneh socialnodelovnega modela, na ekonomski, etični, izvedbeni in ravni medsebojnih odnosov. Raziskovala sem, kakšne pomoči so bili deležni pred in v času epidemije COVID-19 oziroma karantene, kako ocenjujejo to pomoč in kaj bi še potrebovali od skupnosti. Zanimalo me je, na kakšne težave pri skrbi za človeka z demenco so naleteli v času epidemije COVID-19, kako so jih reševali in kako so ob vsem tem poskrbeli zase. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je bila formalna in neformalna pomoč v času karantene omejena ali pa je sploh ni bilo. Glede pomoči v času karantene so bila mnenja različna. Sodelujoči so izrazili, da bi želeli več pomoči sorodnikom ljudi z demenco, več telefonskega svetovanja in na splošno informiranja, dopusta in več družabništev, saj so ljudje z demenco osamljeni. Informacije o oblikah pomoči v času karantene, so dobili preko tretje osebe ali različnih medijev, vendar je bilo teh informacij po njihovem mnenju še vedno premalo. V času epidemije COVID-19 so se sorodniki ljudi z demenco, ki so v domači oskrbi, srečevali z različnimi ovirami: negotovost, nerazumevanje, zagotavljanje ustrezne pomoči, omejevanje. Stres so oziroma premagujejo s pomočjo socialnih stikov, pogovora in različnih aktivnosti. Predlogi se nanašajo na storitve v času izrednih razmer, ki odgovarjajo na potrebe sorodnikov ljudi z demenco in ljudi z demenco. To so spletne skupine za samopomoč, svetovalni telefon, spletne delavnice za ljudi z demenco, psihosocialna pomoč sorodnikom ljudi z demenco, informiranje preko različnih medijev ter telefonska družabništva za ljudi z demenco.

Keywords:stari ljudje, ljudje z demenco, sorodniki ljudi z demenco, oskrba v skupnosti, potrebe, ovire, skrb zase
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Vrhnika
Publisher:[M. Bizjan]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (169 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129141 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79689731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Needs of relatives of people with dementia at the time of epidemic COVID-19
In my master's thesis, I was interested in the needs of relatives of people with dementia in home care, which arose during the COVID-19 epidemic. In the theoretical part, I described older people and their relatives during the COVID-19 epidemic, then I define who people with dementia are, models of understanding dementia, informal caregivers and their needs and care in the community. I conducted eight interviews with relatives of people with dementia in home care. With the help of qualitative research or interviews I conducted over the phone, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, I wanted to find out their needs in the field of care at all levels of the social work model, economic, ethical, implementation and interpersonal relationships. I researched what help they have received before and during the COVID-19 epidemic or quarantine, how they assessed this help and what else they would need from the community. I was interested in what problems they encountered in caring for a person with dementia during the COVID-19 epidemic, how they solve the problems and how they took care of themselves. The results of the research showed that formal and informal assistance was limited or non-existent during quarantine. Regarding assistance during quarantine, the opinion was divided. Participants expressed that they would like more help for relatives of people with dementia, more telephone counseling and in general information, leave and more socializing as people with dementia are lonely. Information on forms of assistance during quarantine was obtained through a third person or various media, but this information, in their opinion, was still insufficient. During the COVID-19 epidemic, relatives of people with dementia, in home care, faced various obstacles: insecurity, misunderstanding, providing appropriate help, restraint. They overcome stress through social contacts, conversations and various activities. The main suggestions I came up with, looking at the research, are services, during emergencies, that respond to the needs of relatives of people with dementia and people with dementia. These are online self-help groups, counseling phone, online workshops, psychosocial help for relatives of people with dementia, informations through various media and telephone companionship for people with dementia.

Keywords:older people, people with dementia, relatives of people with dementia, community care, needs, barriers, self-care

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