
Pomoč žrtvam podtaknjenih drog : magistrsko delo
ID Gartnar, Nataša (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje pomoči žrtvam podtaknjene droge. Zanimalo me je zadovoljstvo s pomočjo, ki so jo žrtve deležne, ter možne izboljšave v okviru potrebne pomoči s perspektive žrtev in strokovnjakov. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na zgodovinski pregled slabo raziskanega pojava podtikanja drog, katerega se intenzivneje raziskuje šele zadnjih dvajset let. Skozi teoretski pregled sem predstavila kako je pojav podtikanja drog zaznan v različnih skupnostih in kulturah. Glede na to, da je dogodek za žrtev nepričakovan in se zgodi brez njene vednosti, je dogodek podtaknjene droge dejanje nasilja in zlorabe. Dogodek podtaknjene droge je pogosto storilcu v pomoč za nadaljnje kriminalno dejanje. Posamezniki, ki jim je droga podtaknjena, se na dogodek odzovejo vsak na svoj način in si posledično želijo pomoči, ki bi izhajala iz njihovih trenutnih potreb. Prav socialno delo je tisti pomagajoči poklic, ki s svojim delom izhaja iz posameznika in iz dejstva kaj v določeni situaciji potrebuje in zmore. Zaradi kompleksnosti samega dogodka je potrebno povezovanje med različnimi strokovnjaki, kot so policija, zdravstvo, socialno delo in drugimi pomagajočimi poklici. Le ti bi lahko ciljno stremeli k boljši strukturi in izvedbi same pomoči. Na podlagi znanja iz opravljenih raziskav o dogodku podtaknjene droge v tujini lahko izboljšujemo pomoč doma in stremimo k tolikšni prepoznavnosti dogodka, da se bo dogodek podtaknjene droge začel konkretneje raziskovati tudi v Sloveniji. S preventivnim delom in osveščanjem ljudi, predvsem mladih, dogodek pridobiva na prepoznavnosti in razkriva dogodke, ki se posameznikom ne zdijo sporni in vidni kot podtikanje drog. O že obstoječi pomoči žrtvam podtaknjene droge sem povprašala pomagajoče strokovne poklice. Preplet njihovega znanja in izkušenj ter osebnih izpovedi žrtev nam lahko ponudi izhodišča za nadaljnje izvajanje pomoči žrtvam po meri posameznika. Raziskovalni del magistrskega dela vsebuje kvalitativno raziskavo, ki s pomočjo metode intervjuja raziskuje dva priročna vzorca, emske izkušnje žrtev podtaknjene droge in predvideno pomoč pomagajočih poklicev v primeru podtaknjene droge na Centru za socialno delo, na policiji in v nevladnih organizacij. Rezultati prikazujejo, kako žrtve dogodek doživljajo in kakšno pomoč potrebujejo in se je poslužujejo ter kakšne pomoči si želijo.

Keywords:žrtev podtaknjene droge, pomoč žrtvi podtaknjene droge, storilec, nasilje, preventivno delo, droge, podtikanje drog
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Gartnar]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (124 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79885315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Helping surreptitiously drugged victims
In my master’s thesis, I focused on research into helping surreptitiously drugged victims. The main topic that I was interested in was the victim’s satisfaction with assistance given by authorities and possible improvements that could be made from the viewpoint of victims and experts. In my theoretical work, I focused on a historical overview of the poorly researched incidents of surreptitious drugging, which started gaining researchers’ attention in the last twenty years. Through a theoretical review, I also presented how surreptitious drugging arises in different communities and cultures. Given that the event is unexpected for the victim and happens without their knowledge, a drug-induced event is an act of violence and abuse. A further criminal offence often follows the surreptitious drugging event. Individuals who have been surreptitiously drugged respond to the event in their way and, as a result, require help based on their current needs. A helping profession such as social work looks at the individual’s standpoint and needs so we can present them with assistance potentials in a certain situation. Due to the complexity of the event itself, communication is needed between different experts such as police, health care, social work and other helping professions. They should aim for a better structure and execution of the assistance itself. Based on the knowledge acquired from the currently conducted research on the surreptitious drugging events abroad, we can improve local assistance given and strive to recognise the drink spiking events to be researched more in Slovenia. Through preventive work and raising awareness of people, especially young, so the events gain recognition and reveal occurrences that do not seem controversial to the individual. I enquired with the experts of helping professions about the already existing assistance available for victims of spiked substances. With their knowledge and victim’s experiences, we are taking a step towards implementing customised assistance for the individual. The research part of the master’s thesis contains qualitative research that uses interviewing methods of two useful patterns: the experience of victims of drink spiking and the planned assistance from helping professions in the case of surreptitiously drugged at the Centre for Social Work, police in non-governmental organisations. The results show victims’ experiences of the event and what help they need, use and want.

Keywords:surreptitiously drugged victims, assistance for surreptitiously drugged victims, perpetrator, violence, prevention work, drugs, drink spiking

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