
Potrebe in pričakovanja devetošolcev do šolske svetovalne službe v osnovnih šolah na Koroškem. : diplomsko delo
ID Bec, Eva (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo z mladimi me veseli že od nekdaj. Opazila pa sem, da se delo šolskih svetovalnih delavk na šolah močno razlikuje, zato sem se začela spraševati, katere od metod, ki jih uporabljajo, bolj ustrezajo učencem in kaj si oni sploh želijo od šolske svetovalne službe. Ravno zato, ker so se njihove metode in njihov odnos do učencev tako razlikovali, sem se odločila raziskati, kaj si želijo učenci, kaj točno je njim najpomembnejše in kakšne so njihove potrebe in pričakovanja do šolske svetovalne službe. Menim, da je glas učencev premalo slišan, da jih večkrat spregledamo pri odločitvah ravno zato, ker so še otroci, vendar tega ne bi smeli početi, saj konec koncev gre zanje in za njihovo izkušnjo šolanja. V pregledu problematike se najprej poglobim v šolsko svetovalno službo, kaj to je, kako deluje, kakšne so naloge in načela, kakšna je zakonodaja. Nato pregledam posamezne profile, ki so lahko zaposleni v šolski svetovalni službi, ter njihove prednosti in morebitne slabosti. Osredotočim se na delo šolske svetovalne službe s posameznimi udeleženci vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa. V nadaljevanju pa se poglobim v delo šolske svetovalne službe v zaključnih razredih, saj so v moji raziskavi sodelovali devetošolci. Opišem obdobje mladostništva in vse, kar prinaša s seboj, prehod iz osnovne v srednjo šolo ter poklicno orientacijo na šolah. Raziskava je kombinirana, torej kvalitativna in kvantitativna. Zastavim si naslednja vprašanja: (R1) Kakšne so potrebe in kakšna pričakovanja devetošolcev do šolske svetovalne službe na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem? (R2) Katere potrebe in pričakovanja devetošolcev že naslavlja šolska svetovalna služba na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem? (R3) Katerih potreb in pričakovanj devetošolcev šolska svetovalna služba še ne naslavlja na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem? in (R4) Kaj bi devetošolci na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem spremenili ali dodali pri delu šolske svetovalne službe? Populacija v raziskavi so vsi učenci, ki so obiskovali 9. razred na OŠ Franja Goloba Prevalje, OŠ Koroški jeklarji Ravne na Koroškem in OŠ Prežihovega Voranca Ravne na Koroškem v času, ko se je izvajala raziskava. Spletni vprašalnik je izpolnilo 66 devetošolcev, ki so imeli soglasja staršev. Populacija v moji raziskavi pa so prav tako vse svetovalne delavke zaposlene na OŠ Franja Goloba Prevalje, OŠ Koroški jeklarji Ravne na Koroškem in OŠ Prežihovega Voranca Ravne na Koroškem, v času, ko se je izvajala raziskava. Vzorec pri treh šolskih svetovalnih delavkah, s katerimi sem opravljala intervjuje, je neslučajnostni in priložnostni. Ugotovila sem, da si devetošolci želijo bolj osebnega odnosa s šolsko svetovalno delavko, morali bi jo bolje spoznati in tisti, ki bi si želeli, imeti več stika z njo. Prav tako sem ugotovila, da so svetovalne delavke na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem preobremenjene in jim večkrat zmanjka časa za zadosten stik z učenci. Ostale ugotovitve so še, da obstajajo teme za delavnice in predavanja, ki nekatere devetošolce zanimajo bolj kot druge in o katerih bi si želeli slišati več, da so devetošolcem ljubši individualni pogovori s svetovalno delavko ter da se njihove potrebe nekoliko razlikujejo glede na njihov spol, učni uspeh ter status. Najpomembnejša ugotovitev pa je bila, da devetošolci v večini menijo, da jim trenutno šolska svetovalna služba na treh večjih osnovnih šolah na Koroškem nudi vse, kar potrebujejo, kar je lahko res, lahko pa je njihovo mnenje posledica nepoznavanja nalog šolske svetovalne službe.

Keywords:šolska svetovalna služba, osnovna šola, Koroška, devetošolci, potrebe in pričakovanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Bec]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (117 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128942 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81484803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The needs and expectations of ninth grade students for the school counseling service at elementary schools in Carinthia.
I have always enjoyed working with young people. However, I noticed that the work of school counselors at schools differes greatly. Therefore, I began to wonder which of these methods they use are more appropriate for students and what the students need from the school counseling service in general. Precisely because their methods and their attitudes towards students were so different, I decided to research what students want, what exactly is most important to them, and what their needs and expectations are for the school counseling service. I think that the voice of students is not listened to enough, that we often overlook them in decisions precisely because they are still children. We should not do that because, in the end, it is all about them and their schooling experience. In reviewing the issue, I first delve into the school counseling service, what it is, how it works, what its tasks and principles are, and what the legislation is. I then review the individual profiles that may be employed in the school counseling service, as well as their strengths and potential weaknesses. I focus on the work of the school counseling service with individual participants in the educational process. Furthermore, I delve into the work of the school counseling service in the final grades because ninth-graders participated in my research. I describe the period of adolescence and everything it brings with, the transition from elementary to secondary school, and vocational orientation in schools. The research is combined, i.e. qualitative and quantitative. I ask myself the following questions: (R1) What are the needs and expectations of ninth-graders from the school counseling service at the three major elementary schools in Carinthia? (R2) What needs and expectations of ninth-graders have already been addressed by the school counseling service at three major elementary schools in Carinthia? (R3) What needs and expectations of ninth-graders has the school counseling service not yet addressed in the three major elementary schools in Carinthia? (R4) What would ninth-graders at the three major elementary schools in Carinthia change or add to the work of the school counseling service? The population in the research are all students who attended the 9th grades at the Franjo Golob Prevalje Elementary School, the Koroški Jeklarji Ravne na Koroškem Elementary School, and the Prežihov Voranc Ravne na Koroškem Elementary School at the time of the research. The online questionnaire was completed by 66 ninth-graders who had parental consent. The population in my research is also all counselors employed at the Franjo Golob Prevalje Elementary School, the Koroški Jeklarji Ravne na Koroškem Elementary School, and the Prežihov Voranc Ravne na Koroškem Elementary School at the time the research was performed. The sample of the three school counselors I interviewed is non-random and casual. I ascertained that ninth-graders want a more personal relationship with a school counselor. They should get to know her better and those who would like that should have the opportunity of having more contact with her. I also ascertained that the counselors at the three major elementary schools in Carinthia are overburdened and often run out of time for sufficient contact with students. Other findings include the following. There are topics for workshops and lectures that some ninth-graders are more interested in than others and they would like to hear more about them. Ninth-graders prefer individual conversations with a counselor and their needs vary slightly according to their gender, success in school, and status. The most important ascertainment was that the majority of ninth-graders believe that, currently, school counseling service at the three major elementary schools in Carinthia offers them everything they need. This may be true. However, their opinion may be the result of their ignorance of the tasks of the school counseling service.

Keywords:school counseling service, elementary school, Carinthia, ninth-graders, needs and expectations

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