
Gibalne zgodbe kot spodbuda za gibalno-plesno ustvarjanje predšolskih otrok
ID Šubic, Neža (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6845/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo se deli na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu predstavim umetnost kot del Kurikuluma za vrtce, v katerega uvrščamo tudi plesno umetnosti. Nato predstavim cilje plesne umetnosti in opredelim ples ter plesnost in se pri tem osredotočim tudi na vlogo odraslega. Drugo poglavje teoretičnega dela vsebuje pomen ustvarjalnega gibanja na otrokov celostni razvoj, predstavim elemente plesa in plesne spodbude, na kratko opišem specifične metode pri plesni umetnosti in naštejem ter opredelim vrste gibno-plesnih dejavnosti. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela opišem gibalne zgodbe, njihove cilje, vlogo vzgojitelja in otrokovo ustvarjalnost. Empirični del diplomskega dela je sestavljen iz analize in interpretacije polstrukturiranega intervjuva in analize zbranih gibalnih zgodb. V raziskavo so bile vključene štiri vzgojiteljice iz vrtca Železniki. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati, v kolikšni meri vzgojiteljice otrokom prepustijo ustvarjalni proces pri izvedbi gibalnih zgodb, kako načrtujejo in izvajajo gibalne zgodbe ter kako otroci sprejmejo ponujene gibalne zgodbe. Zanimalo me je, ali vzgojiteljice prepoznajo gibalno zgodbo kot spodbudo za gibalno-plesno ustvarjanje predšolskih otrok. Želela pa sem tudi ugotoviti, ali vzgojiteljice pri načrtovanju in izvajanju gibalnih zgodb naletijo na kakšno težavo. Preko pisanja diplomskega dela sem ugotovila, da intervjuvane vzgojiteljice otrokom pri izvajanju gibalnih zgodb prepustijo ustvarjalni proces in gibalne zgodbe prepoznajo kot spodbudo za gibalno-plesno ustvarjanje predšolskih otrok. Intervjuvanim vzgojiteljicam načrtovanje in izvajanje gibalnih zgodb ne predstavljata nobenih težav, ponujene gibalne zgodbe pa otroci dobro sprejmejo. Vzgojiteljice se za uporabo gibalnih zgodb večinoma odločijo, ker so jim zgodbe blizu in z njimi lahko spodbujajo otrokovo ustvarjalnost, preko tega pa otrok spoznava svoje telo, ga raziskuje in z njim ustvarja nove gibalno-plesne motive.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128711 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71235843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Movement stories as a stimulus for preschoolers' movement-dance creation
The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and an empirical section. The theoretical section presents art as a part of the Kindergarten Curriculum, which also includes the art of dance. It continues with a presentation of the art of dance and defines dance and danceability, focusing, among other things, on the adult's role. The second chapter of the theoretical section discusses the importance of creative movement for a child's holistic development; presents the elements of dance and incentives to dance; briefly describes specific methods used in the art of dance; lists and defines the types of movement/dance activities. The last chapter of the theoretical section describes movement stories, their goals, the preschool teacher's role, and the child's creativity. The empirical section of the diploma thesis consists of an analysis and interpretations of a semi-structured interview, and of an analysis of collected movement stories. The survey involved four female teachers from the Železniki Kindergarten. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to examine to what extent the teachers leave the creative process up to the children when performing movement stories; how they plan and perform movement stories; how the offered movement stories are received by the children. I wondered whether the teachers view movement stories as incentive for the creative movement/dance of preschool children. I also wished to determine whether the teachers encounter any difficulties when planning and performing movement stories, Through writing the diploma thesis, I have determined that the interviewed teachers leave the creative process up to the children when performing movement stories, and that they view movement stories as incentive for the creative movement/dance of preschool children. Planning and performing movement stories do not pose a problem for the interviewed teachers, while the offered movement stories are well received by the children. Preschool teachers mostly decide to use movement stories because they know the stories well and can use them to encourage the child's creativity; moreover, the child also learns about his/her body, explores it, and uses it to create new movement/dance motifs.


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