
Vloga vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in knjižničarjev pri vključevanju otrok priseljencev v bralne dejavnosti
ID Jakopič, Lena (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6831/ This link opens in a new window

Vključevanje otrok, katerih materni jezik ni slovenščina, v predbralne, bralne in pobralne dejavnosti je v resnici zelo zahtevno in terja ogromno pozornosti. Najboljše obdobje za razvijanje predbralnih, bralnih in pobralnih sposobnosti pa je ravno predšolsko obdobje. Morda se mnogim zdi, da je vloga vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in knjižničarjev pri vključevanju otrok priseljencev v družbo samoumevna, a ni tako. Zelo pomembno je, da se vzgojitelji in knjižničarji zavedajo, da imajo odločilno vlogo pri oblikovanju otrokovega odnosa do razumevanja in govorjenja tujega jezika, razvoja bralnih sposobnosti. Učitelji pa to vlogo prevzamejo in nadgrajujejo. Vključevanje otrok priseljencev v bralne dejavnosti je torej nadvse dobrodošlo že od začetka. Ni pomembno le za usvajanje novega jezika. Z branjem ustreznih besedil se otrok v celoti lažje privaja na novo okolje, kulturo, navade, običaje, odnose, bonton. Bralne dejavnosti so nujne, rekla bi, da brez njih vključevanje otrok priseljencev ni celovito. Otroci priseljencev pogosto ostanejo na robu, še posebej, če je izobrazba njihovih staršev nizka in se za otrokovo učenje ne zanimajo, zato menim, da bi se bilo potrebno bistveno več pogovarjati o tej temi in tudi na tem področju narediti nadgraditve. Tudi v Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999) je zapisano, da je vzgojitelj/-ica/učitelj/-ica je oseba, ki je prva v stiku z otrokom priseljencem in ima najpomembnejšo vlogo – otroka sprejme v novo okolje, ga vodi pri usvajanju novega jezika, bontona, navad. Pomembno je tudi, da oblikuje v skupini spoštljiv odnos, da otroke uči enakovrednosti, da ne dela razlik med otroki itn. Pravzaprav odločilno vpliva na to, kako se bo priseljeni otrok v okolju, kjer učni jezik ni njegova materinščina, kasneje v šoli in nasploh v družbi počutil, kako bo v njej deloval. Čeprav je Kurikulum za vrtce zelo jasen in natančno napisan dokument, pa zaznavam, da se v praksi pri vključevanju otrok priseljencev, katerih materni jezik ni slovenščina, kažejo številne nedorečenosti in težave. V diplomskem delu poskušam pridobiti čim več odgovorov o tej problematiki, kot se kaže na področju branja.

Keywords:razvoj bralnih sposobnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128675 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71080963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Role of pre-school teachers, primary school teachers, and librarians in engaging immigrant children in reading activities
Integration of children, which mother tongue is not Slovene, in pre-reading, reading and after-reading activities is in fact very demanding and demands a lot of attention. The best period for development of pre-reading, reading and after-reading abilities is precisely pre-school peri-od. It maybe seem to many that the role of pre-school teachers, teachers and librarians is self-evident, while they try to integrate immigrant children into society. However, it is not exactly like that. Thus it is highly important that pre-school teachers and librarians are aware of their decisive role at formation of child's comprehension, talking in foreign language and develop-ment of reading capabilities. However, teachers take over this role and upgrade it. Integration of the immigrant children into reading activities is therefore incredibly welcome since the start. It is not important solely for assimilation of new tongue. By reading appropria-te texts, for the child is altogether easier to accustom to the new environment, culture, habits, traditions, relationships, good manners. The reading activities are indispensable. I would say, that without them the integration of the immigrant children is not complete. Often, the immi-grant children stay on the edge, especially, if the education of their parents is low and the pa-rents are not interested in child's learning. Therefore, I believe, that there is a need to talk about this subject fundamentally more and a need to make upgrades on this field as well. As well as in the Curriculum for Kindergartens (1999) says that the pre-school teacher or a teacher is a person, which is first in the contact with immigrant child and has the most signifi-cant role - accepts the child into new environment, leads him at assimilation of a new tongue, good manners, habits. It is as well important that he/she forms respectable relationship in the group, to teach children of equivalences. Teacher has a decisive influence on that how the immigrant child in the environment, where learning tongue is not a mother tongue, and later in school and generally in society, will feel and how will be active in it. Although the Curriculum for Kindergartens is very clear and exactly written document, I sense that in practice work at integration of the immigrant children, whose mother tongue is not Slovene, show numerous inconsistencies and issues. In the diploma work I try to gain as much answers as possible about this issue, as shown on the field of reading.

Keywords:development of reading abilities

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