
Didaktične igre pri obravnavi elektrike in magnetizma v 4. razredu osnovne šole
ID Pacek, Barbara (Avtor), ID Pavlin, Jerneja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6816/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Učenci so pri metodi didaktične igre veliko bolj aktivni kot pri metodah pogovora, razlage, saj didaktična igra od njih zahteva sodelovanje, celostno aktivnost, hkrati pa učenje poteka nezavedno. Didaktična igra ima poleg izobraževalnih ciljev, ki jih lahko preverimo, tudi vzgojne cilje, saj spodbuja sodelovanje, reševanje konfliktov, sprejemanje kritike in razvoj različnih življenjskih kompetenc (npr. vztrajnost, medsebojna pomoč itd.). Kljub poznavanju prednosti metode didaktične igre je še vedno možno zaslediti manko didaktičnih iger za teme iz učnega načrta za predmet naravoslovje in tehnika. Zato smo se odločili to raziskati v okviru magistrskega dela. Pripravili smo tri didaktične igre na učno vsebino elektrika in magnetizem za 4. razred. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri lahko učenci dosežejo izobraževalne cilje za učni vsebini elektrika in magnetizem s tremi različnimi didaktičnimi igrami, katere kompetence didaktične igre spodbujajo in kakšno mnenje imajo o njih učenci in učiteljica. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 15 učencev. Podatki učencev so bili zbrani s preizkusom znanja in anketnim vprašalnikom, tipa papir-svinčnik. Podatki učiteljice pa s polstrukturiranim intervjujem. Vsi učenci so igrali vse tri didaktične igre. Pred igranjem didaktičnih iger so rešili preizkus znanja in po igranju ponovno. S tem smo želeli ugotoviti, ali so učenci pridobili novo znanje o tej tematiki. Pripravili so se vprašalniki za učence, katerih namen je bila ugotovitev mnenja učencev o didaktičnih igrah: kaj je bilo dobro, kaj bi bilo potrebno spremeniti, izboljšati in o tem, katere kompetence igra spodbuja. Z učiteljico smo izvedli polstrukturiran intervju. Namen intervjuja je bila ugotovitev njenega mnenja o didaktičnih igrah, kakšne morajo biti, da so primerne, kakovostne, v kolikšni meri se sama poslužuje uporabi didaktičnih iger in ali so se ji konkretne didaktične igre zdele primerne, kakovostne ter kakšne bi lahko bile možne izboljšave. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da je učna metoda didaktične igre primerna za poučevanje učne vsebine elektrika in magnetizem z izdelanimi didaktičnimi igrami in da učenci uživajo pri učenju na tak način. Tudi učiteljica je izpostavila didaktične igre kot motivacijsko sredstvo za učence, ki jih aktivira in ki nezavedno omogoča doseganje zastavljenih učnih ciljev. Omenjeni so bili še elementi didaktičnih iger, ki didaktično igro naredijo kakovostno, zanimivo, zabavno in še vedno poučno: estetskost, razumljivost navodil in prilagojenost didaktične igre tako učni vsebini kot učencem. Izsledki magistrskega dela bodo pripomogli učiteljem pridobiti nov način poučevanja teme elektrika in magnetizem v 4. razredu, ki bo v učencih sprožil aktivnost, zanimanje, sodelovanje in razvoj različnih kompetenc.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:naravoslovje in tehnika
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128624 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:70867459 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.08.2021
Število ogledov:1456
Število prenosov:199
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Didactic games for the teaching of electricity and magnetism in the fourth grade of elementary school
The didactic game method is much more active than the traditional approach to teaching based on talking and explanation methods, because it requires students to participate, to be fully active, and at the same time makes learning unconscious. In addition to its verifiable subject curriculum based educational objectives, the didactic game also has other educational objectives, as it encourages cooperation, solving conflicts, acceptance of criticism and the development of various life competences (e. g. persistence, mutual help, etc.). Despite the knowledge of the advantages of the didactic game method, there is still a lack of didactic games for the topics covered in the Science and Technology curriculum. Therefore, we decided to do a research for our Master's thesis. We have developed three didactic games for learning about electricity and magnetism in the 4th grade. The aim of the research was to find out to what extent students can achieve the educational objectives for the topics of electricity and magnetism with three different didactic games, which competences the didactic games encourage and what opinion both students and the teacher have about them. Fifteen students participated in the research. Students’ data were collected via a knowledge exam and a paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Teacher’s data, however, via a semi-structured interview. All students played all three didactic games. They took a knowledge exam before playing the didactic games and again after playing them. This was done to see if the students had gained new knowledge on this topic. Student questionnaires were developed to find out what students thought about the didactic games: what was good, what needed to be changed or improved, and what competences the game encouraged. A semi-structured interview was carried out with the teacher. The purpose of the interview was to find out her opinion on didactic games, what they should be like to be appropriate, high quality, to what extent she uses didactic games and whether she thought our didactic games were appropriate, high quality and what could be possible improvements. The results of the research show that the didactic game teaching method is suitable for teaching the electricity and magnetism and that students enjoy learning in this way. The teacher also pointed out didactic games as a motivational tool for students, which activates them and unconsciously enables them to achieve the learning objectives. Other elements of didactic games that make a didactic game high quality, interesting, fun and educational were also mentioned: aesthetics, comprehensibility of the instructions and adaptation of the didactic game to both the learning content and the students. The results of the master's thesis will help teachers to gain new insights/ways of teaching the topic of electricity and magnetism in the 4th grade, which will trigger activity, interest, participation and the development of different competences in the students.

Ključne besede:science and technology

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