
Dinamična slika kot didaktično sredstvo pri poučevanju perspektive
ID Bebar, Katarina (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6790/ This link opens in a new window

Temeljna naloga likovne vzgoje je razvoj učenčevih kompetenc, ki izhajajo iz njegovega razumevanja vizualnega prostora in se izrazijo v njegovem preoblikovanju v likovni prostor. V doktorski disertaciji smo se zato usmerili v raziskavo z inovativnim didaktičnim orodjem, tj. namensko razvito mobilno aplikacijo za sistem Android, ki temelji na obogateni resničnosti in deluje kot vmesnik ter preko digitalizacije opozarja na naravo in zakonitosti, ki se porajajo med prenosom iz realnega prostora v likovni prostor, oziroma na razlike med doživljanjem in razumevanjem sveta prek vmesnikov in brez njih. Aplikacija deluje kot digitalni vmesnik med realnim in likovnim prostorom, saj vzporedno s spreminjanjem položaja mobilnika oziroma zornega kota kamere na le-tem ponazarja spremembe sorazmerij in odnosov, ki se pojavljajo ob različnih pogledih na prostor tako, da nanje aplicira matrike, sestavljene iz premic različnih dolžin in barv, ki sledijo kotom in smerem na posnetku realnega prostora v realnem času. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, ali so s pomočjo aplikacije študentje hitreje opazili in ozavestili probleme, ki se porajajo pri prenosu iz realnega prostora v likovni prostor, ter jih posledično tudi učinkoviteje reševali; na kakšen način je mobilna aplikacija vplivala na zaznavo in razumevanje razlik med realnim in likovnim prostorom ter kako je vplivala na učni proces, na motivacijo študentov in izvajanje likovnih nalog. Raziskavo, v katero je bilo vključenih 150 študentov in študentk, smo zasnovali na pedagoškem eksperimentu z dvema modalitetama, s katerim smo ugotavljali razlike v kvaliteti upodobitve različnih prostorskih predlogov oziroma situacij z uporabo prostorskih ključev med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. V raziskavi so bile uporabljene tako kvantitativne kot kvalitativne metode zbiranja in analiziranja podatkov. Pred izvedbo eksperimenta smo ugotavljali inicialno stanje, nato pa smo ugotavljali razlike v kvaliteti upodobitve različnih prostorskih predlogov oziroma situacij z uporabo prostorskih ključev med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Kvantitativni podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo vprašalnikov za študente in opazovalce ter z ocenami nastalih likovnih izdelkov. Za ocenjevanje likovnih izdelkov smo uporabili ocenjevalne lestvice, merila za vrednotenje oziroma kriteriji ocenjevanja likovnih izdelkov vseh v raziskavo vključenih študentov, tj. kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine, pa so temeljili na pravilni rabi prostorskih ključev oziroma globinskih vodil ter pravilno določenem očišču in horizontu. Cilj kvalitativne analize je bil spremljanje oziroma opazovanje dogajanja med učnim procesom z namenom izboljšanja njegove organizacije ter ugotavljanja hitrosti opažanja, sposobnosti razumevanja problematike upodabljanja prostora in ne nazadnje tudi z namenom ugotavljanja kvalitete nastajajočih likovnih izdelkov. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se novi medij, tj. mobilni telefon in preko njega posredovana učna izkušnja z obogateno resničnostjo, izkazuje kot dobra kombinacija oziroma uspešen didaktični pripomoček za risanje prostora po načelih linearne perspektive. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov bomo lahko načrtovali učinkovite strategije, s katerimi se bosta povečali uspešnost študentov pri likovni dejavnosti in kakovost vodenja učnega procesa z uporabo sodobnih didaktičnih pripomočkov. Širši znanstveni doprinos disertacije je usmerjen predvsem na razvoj teorije likovne didaktike, izboljšanje nazornosti ter aktualnosti poučevanja in učenja s pomočjo najnaprednejših tehnologij.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128584 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70737155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Dynamic picture as a didactic means of teaching perspective
The main purpose of Visual Arts Education is the development of the student's competences, which arise from their understanding of the visual space and which are expressed through their transformation into the pictorial space. The pedagogical practices between 2011 and 2012 have shown that first-year students are having difficulties with the ability of spatial visualization and with the ability to depict their surrounding space through drawing. In the doctoral dissertation, we focused on the research with innovative didactic tools, ie. a purpose-built, augmented-reality mobile application for Android that acts as an interface and, through digitization, draws attention to the laws of nature that emerge when transferring from real space to pictorial space, or the differences between experiencing and understanding the world through or without an interface. The application acts as a digital interface between the real and the pictorial space, as in parallel with changing the position of the mobile phone or its camera's viewpoint, it illustrates the changes of proportions and relations that appear on different views of the space by applying arrays of lines of different lengths and colors that follow angles and directions in a real-time snapshot. In the research, we established whether with the help of the application students were quicker to notice and raise awareness of problems arising in the transfer from the real to the pictorial space, and consequently to solve them more effectively. We also established how the mobile application affected the perception and understanding of the differences between the real and the pictorial space, and how it affected the learning process, the students' motivation and the performance of their artistic tasks. The research that included 150 students was devised as a pedagogical experiment to identify differences in the quality of their depictions of different spatial prepositions or situations, using visual gradients within the experimental and control group. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis were used in the research. Before performing the experiment, we determined the initial state, and then we determined differences in the quality of the student's depictions of different spatial prepositions or situations using visual gradients within the experimental and control group. Quantitative data were collected through student and observer questionnaires and assessments of the resulting art creations. For the evaluation, we used rating scales. The criteria for the evaluation were based on the correct use of visual gradients and a properly defined vanishing point and horizon line. The aim of the qualitative analysis was to monitor and observe the events during the learning process in order to improve its organization and to determine the speed of observation, the ability to understand the problems of depicting space, and last but not least, to determine the quality of emerging art creations. The results of the research showed that new media, ie. a mobile phone and the augmented reality learning experience transmitted through it, prove to be a good combination or a successful didactic tool for drawing space according to the principles of linear perspective. Based on the obtained results, we will be able to plan effective strategies to increase the students' performance in the arts and the quality of managing the learning process using modern didactic devices. The broader scientific contribution of the dissertation is focused on improving the expressiveness, relevance, and improvement of teaching and learning through the use of more advanced technologies.

Keywords:augmented reality

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