
Napovedna enačba šestminutnega testa hoje pri onkoloških bolnicah z rakom dojke : magistrsko delo
ID Peterlin, Špela (Author), ID But Hadžić, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomažin, Katja (Comentor)

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Rak dojke je najpogostejši rak pri ženskah, pojavnost pa v zadnjih desetletjih še narašča. Bolnice se srečujejo z različnimi zdravstvenimi problemi, kot so sprememba telesne sestave, upad telesnih sposobnosti in posledično slabša kakovost življenja. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil analizirati telesno sestavo bolnic z rakom dojke, analizirati vpliv telesne sestave in šestminutni test hoje ter oceniti, kako dobro Enrightova napovedna enačba ustreza dejansko izmerjenim vrednostim šestminutnega testa hoje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 63 bolnic z rakom dojke, starih povprečno 54 ± 9 let. V času merjenja je bolezen v povprečju trajala 8 ± 6 let. S pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga sestavili sami, smo bolnice povprašali o datumu rojstva, letu postavitve diagnoze, načinu zdravljenja, prizadeti strani in limfedemu roke. Povprašane so bile o tem, kolikokrat na teden so telesno dejavne, koliko časa običajno traja telesna dejavnost in ali sodelujejo v kakšnem vadbenem programu. Za analizo telesne sestave smo uporabili analizator telesne sestave BioScan 920-II (Maltron International, Rayleigh, ZDA), ki je izmeril odstotek telesnega maščevja, pusto mišično maso, skupno količino vode v telesu in fazni kot. Pred analizo telesne sestave smo v analizator vnesli izmerjeno telesno višino in telesno maso. Meritve so bile opravljene v ležečem položaju po navodilih proizvajalca opreme z uporabo kožnih elektrod za enkratno uporabo. Šestminutni test hoje smo izvedli na 15-metrskem hodniku, v skladu s priporočili. Ugotovili smo, da je povprečni indeks telesne mase znašal 24,79 ± 3,45 kg/m2. Skoraj dve tretjini bolnic je imela ustrezno telesno maso, prekomerno težkih oziroma debelih je bilo nekaj več kot tretjina. Povprečni odstotek telesnega maščevja je znašal 33. Ugotovili smo, da je največji delež pojasnjene variance pojasnjen s telesno maso, telesno višino, količino telesne dejavnosti in s časom trajanja bolezni. Prehojena razdalja se zmanjša za približno dva metra z vsakim dodatnim kilogramom telesne mase ter povečuje s telesno višino, količino telesne dejavnosti in časom trajanja bolezni. Ugotovili smo, da Enrightova napovedna enačba šestminutnega testa hoje za 77 metrov podceni dejansko izmerjeno vrednost. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo za šestminutni test hoje izdelali lastno napovedno enačbo.

Keywords:rak dojke, šestminutni test hoje, Enrightova napovedna enačba, telesna sestava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128505 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74330627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2021
PETERLIN, Špela, 2021, Napovedna enačba šestminutnega testa hoje pri onkoloških bolnicah z rakom dojke : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Predictive equation for six minute walk test among oncological female breast cancer patients
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, however, the incidence has been increasing in recent decades. Patients are facing different health issues as change in body composition, deterioration in physical ability and worse quality of life. The purpose of this following study was to analyze the body composition among breast cancer patients, to analyze the impact of body composition on six minute walk test and to assess how Enright's predicted equation fits actually measured distance. The sample consisted 63 breast cancer patients average age 54 ± 9. In the time of measurement, the average duration of the disease was 8 ± 6 years. An anonymous questionnaire containing information about birth date, the year of diagnosis, method of treatment, affected side and lymphedema of the hand was used. Patients were asked how many times a week are they physically active, how long does activity last and if they participate in any exercise program. Analyzer BioScan 920-II (Maltron International, Rayleigh, ZDA) was used for body composition analysis, which measured body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, total body water and phase angle. Before analysis of body composition, their body height and body weight were entered into the analyzer. A six minute walk test was performed in the 15-meter corridor, according to the recommendations. The average body mass index was 24.79 ± 3.45. Almost two thirds of patients had normal body mass index, overweight or obese was more than one third. The average body fat percentage was 33. Results has shown that the body weight, body height, amount of physical activity and duration of the disease have the largest impact on six minute walk test. The travelled distance decreases by about two meters with each additional kilogram of body weight and increases with body height, amount of physical activity and duration of the disease. Finally, results of Enright's predicted equation underestimated measured walking distance for 77 metres. Based on the findings, our own predictive equation for six minute walk test was made.

Keywords:breast cancer, six minute walk test, Enright's predicted equation, body composition

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