Globally courier logistics companies are met with new challenges every day to reach trends
with which they can satisfy the needs of their clients. All of those companies function in a
similar manner because their common objective is the most optimized, quickest and safest
delivery of parcels to final destinations. This process can be divided into three technological
phases, which encompass preparing, processing and finishing of the transport. Differences
between the companies can be seen mainly in the offer of services, which are the result of
following different trends dictated by the needs and inquiries of clients, technological
development and in the last two years also the pandemic of COVID-19. The influence of the
pandemic was so great because it is typical for courier logistics companies to combine services
of different transport industries, which means using different means of transport, which means
that the whole transport process depends on several different transporters. Situations like this
have forced the companies to adapt their technological processes and look for technological
improvements. Several courier logistics companies operate in Slovenia. Their different manner
of operation is being reflected in the satisfaction diversity of their clients which is presented in
the empirical part of this thesis.