Hierarchy of power in society expresses itself with monuments in the public space. Monuments are considered a permanent reminder of social values in the physical space. Social values are set by the ruling class. Changes in society affect change in existence of a monument in space. Most monuments are a symbol of a specific historical moment which is considered as a foundation of the current society. Moreover, most of the researched monuments were built in the post second world war era. Monuments are placed in open public squares, where crowd usually gathers. Therefore they are visible to a high number of passerbys. Local authorities and important institutions are the main clients of built monuments. Even though institutions are the clients, the permission of local authorities is always required. Local authorities have complete control over spatial planning of monuments in the city. The monument is a means of simplified reminder of a certain interpretation of history in the physical space. Moreover, the authorities benefit from the use of monuments for strengthening of the collective memory. Thus, social history as the foundation of collective memory not only becomes a means of uniting society by the authorities, but also confirms it on a global level through the tourist representation of space with monuments as its symbols.