
Vpliv vrhunskega športa na otroka v obdobju rasti : diplomsko delo
ID Albreht, Ana (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hiti, Nina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Obdobje otroštva in mladosti je obdobje, v katerem je športno udejstvovanje človeka največje. Ukvarjanje s športom je koristno za telesno pripravljenost, družbeni razvoj otroka in njegovo duševno zdravje. Danes je, zahvaljujoč raziskavam, vpliv športa na zdravje otrok veliko bolj razumljiv, kot nam je bil včasih. Te raziskave so privedle do javnih razprav o relativnih prednostih in tveganjih za otroka ter kaj to pomeni za otrokovo dolgoročno zdravje in počutje. Namen: S pregledom literature raziskati, kako vrhunski šport vpliva na otrokovo rast in razvoj kosti, kako prekomeren trening vpliva na njegovo telo, prehranske potrebe in samopodobo ter kakšen ima vpliv na otrokov psihološki razvoj. Metode dela: Izveden je bil pregled slovenske in angleške literature v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, DiKUL, Google učenjak in Science Direct. Uporabljene so bile ključne besede: vrhunski šport, rast, poškodbe, otroci, prehrana, izgorelost in samopodoba¸ v angleškem jeziku pa: schoolaged children, elite sports, growth, injuries, nutrition, burnout overtraining in self-esteem. Vključitveni kriteriji za uporabljeno literaturo so bili: članek se mora navezovati na izbrano temo, ni starejši od 30 let in besedilo je v celoti dostopno. Rezultati: V obdobju otroštva in najstništva v telesu potekajo največje spremembe. Raziskave so pokazale, da imajo otroci z večjo kardiorespiratorno zmogljivostjo manjši odstotek izmerjene telesne maščobe. Aerobna vadba povečuje koncentracijo in znižuje impulzivnost otrok. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da se najpogosteje poškodujejo otroci, ki se ukvarjajo z individualnimi športi in so v teh športnih visoko specializirani ter trenirajo več ur na teden, kot sami štejejo let. Ti otroci imajo tudi večjo možnost, da se pri njih pojavi izgorelost. Razprava in zaključek: Šport in rekreacija bi morala biti temeljni del življenja otrok. Šport je medij otrok za spoznavanje novih prijateljev, telesno aktivnost in razvoj veščin na vseh področjih. Za vrhunski športni rezultat je potrebno veliko trdega dela in talenta. Ne obstaja veliko ljudi, ki so sposobni dolgo ohranjati motivacijo in prenašati naporne treninge, ki ne prinesejo vedno želenih rezultatov. Cilj je odkriti posameznike, ki so tega zmožni, in jim omogočiti ustrezne razmere za razvoj. Udeležba otrok v vrhunskem športu je na koncu presoja vsakega posameznika. Nekateri starši se zanj ne bodo odločili, ker je tveganje za poškodbe preveliko, drugi pa bodo presodili, da koristi pretehtajo vsa tveganja.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, vrhunski šport, rast, poškodbe, otroci, prehrana, samopodoba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Albreht]
Number of pages:26 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128226 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69550083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of professional sport on child during growth : diploma work
Introduction: The period of childhood and youth is the period in which person participates in sports the most. Playing sports is beneficial for a child’s physical fitness, social development, and mental health. Today, the impact of sport on children’s health is much more understandable than it used to be, thanks to the research done in that field. That research has led to public debates about the relative benefits and risks to the child, and what that means for the child’s long-term health and well-being. Purpose: By reviewing the literature explore how elite sport impacts child’s growth and bone development, how excessive training affects child’s body, nutritional needs, and self-image as well as how it impacts child’s psychological development. Methods: A review of Slovenian and English literature was performed in the databases PubMed, DiKUL, Google Scholar and Science Direct. Keywords used were: school-aged children, elite sports, growth, injuries, nutrition, burnout, overtraining and self-esteem. The inclusion criteria for the used literature were: the article must relate to the chosen topic, must not be older than 30 years and the text must be fully accessible. Results: The biggest changes occur in the body during childhood and adolescence. Research has shown that children with higher cardiorespiratory capacity have lower percentage of measured body fat. Aerobic exercise has been found to increase concentration and decrease children’s impulsiveness. It has been proved that children who are most frequently injured come from individual sports, are highly specialised in their sport and train more hours per week than what the number of their age is. Children are also more likely to experience burnout. Discussion and conclusion: Sport and recreation should be the fundamental parts of children’s lives. Sport is a medium for children to make new friends, to be physically active and to learn developmental skills in all areas. It takes a lot of hard work and talent to achieve top results in sport. There are not many people who are able to maintain motivation for a long time and endure strenuous trainings that do not always bring desired results. The goal is to discover individuals who are capable of that and provide them with the right conditions for development. Children’s participation in elite sports is ultimately the judgement of each individual. Some parents will not opt for it because the risk of injury is too great, while others will judge that the benefits outweigh all the risks.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, elite sport, growth, injuries, children, nutrition, self-esteem

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