
Pomen in razvoj slikarskega stila nihonga na Japonskem
ID Vilčnik, Lucija (Author), ID Culiberg, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu se bom ukvarjala z japonskim slikarskim stilom nihonga, katerega ime lahko dobesedno prevedemo kot japonsko slikarstvo. Stil nihonga se je razvil v obdobju Meidži (1868-1912), v katerem se je Japonska modernizirala in sprejela vplive zahoda. Takrat se je pojavila tudi želja in potreba po ločitvi japonskega avtohtonega slikarstva od zahodnega slikarstva, ki se je na Japonskem razvijal pod imenom yōga. Tako bi lahko rekli, da se je stil nihonga razvil kot odgovor na prihod zahodne umetnosti in preobrazbe japonske družbe v obdobju Meidži. Vendar slikarski stil nihonga zagotovo ni osamljen primer odziva japonske umetnosti na prihod tujih vplivov na Japonsko ozemlje. V diplomskem delu želim predstaviti nastanek slikarskega stila nihonga, potrebe po njegovi ločitvi, od zahodnega slikarstva in kako delujejo današnji umetniki stila nihonga. Najprej se bom lotila predstavitve razvoja japonskega slikarstva in zgodovinskega ozadja obdobja Meidži. Izpostavila bom tudi razlike med slikarskima stiloma nihonga in yōga, ter predstavila delovanje ene izmed današnjih japonskih umetnic v stilu nihonga –Matsui Fuyuko. Od obdobja Meidži dalje se je stil nihonga spreminjal in se po besedah slikarke Matsui Fuyuko še vedno spreminja. Umetnica sicer uporablja nekatere elemente zahoda, tudi če to počne nezavedno, vendar to ne moremo trditi za druge sodobne umetnike stila nihonga.

Keywords:nihonga, yōga, Matsui Fuyuko, slikarstvo, umetnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128221 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The development and significance of painting style of nihonga in Japan
This paper explains the theme of graduation thesis, the style of Japanese painting nihonga and its development. The expression “nihonga” means Japanese painting, but it was first used in Meiji era (1868-1912) to distinguish between wester influenced painting and Japanese style painting. One could say that the nihonga style developed as a response to Western style painting and the transformation of Japanese society during Meiji period. However the nihonga painting style was not an isolated example of the response of the Japanese art to the arrival of foreign influences on Japanese territory. In this thesis I want to present the origin of the painting style of nihonga style, the need for its separation from Western painting and how today’s artists of nihonga style work. I will first present the development of Japanese painting and the historical background of the Meiji era. I will also present the differences between the painting styles of nihonga and yōga, and present the work of one of today’s Japanese artists in the style of nihonga – Matsui Fuyuko. Since the Meiji period, the style of nihonga has changed and, according to Japanese painter Matsui Fuyuko, continues to change. The artist does use some elements of the Wester Art, even if she does so unconsciously, but this cannot be said for other contemporary nihonga style artists.

Keywords:nihonga, yōga, Matsui Fuyuko, painting, art

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