In the master’s thesis, we realize a neural network multilayer perceptron and four different learning algorithms. The neural network and learning algorithms are modular and allow to change the number format for operand representation. We can choose between floating-point and fixed-point formats. At a fixed point, we additionally set the width of operands, determine the position of the binary point and select the multiplier with which we compute the products. With fixed point and approximate multipliers, we simulate neural network training on less powerful hardware. We designed all arithmetic operations in a fixed point to be easily realizable in hardware. We compare neural network training with different learning algorithms in different number formats with different multipliers. We run experiments on three datasets, of which two are from the Proben1 [1] collection, and the third is the MNIST [2] dataset. The comparison shows that the most suitable learning algorithm for training neural networks on less powerful hardware is the method of steepest descent.