
Opera v televizijskem mediju
ID Kurinčič, Matej (Author), ID Pompe, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema magistrske naloge je odkrivanje in analiziranje povezave opere z multimedijskimi napravami. Poudarek sloni predvsem na povezavi opere in televizijskega medija. Kronološko se sprehodimo skozi 20. stoletje in se osredotočamo na določene mejnike v povezavi opere in televizije. Omenili bomo tudi nastanek novega žanra, ki se je razvil ob povezovanju opere in televizije. V prvem delu naloge se posvetimo predvsem razvoju tehnologije v povezavi z opernim žanrom. Poudarek je na pomenu in vlogi opere pri razvoju naprav, kot sta radio in televizija, ter kako so jo doživljali glavni inovatorji tistega časa. V drugem delu se posvetimo času po drugi svetovni vojni. V teh letih se je razvilo največje zanimanje za operne filme. V ta namen se razvije tudi nov žanr, imenovan televizijska opera. Velik del je posvečen predvsem težavam, ki so spremljale odnos med opero in televizijo od vsega začetka. Ob koncu omenimo še trenutno stanje televizijskih oper v svetu. Izpostavimo založbo Arthaus Musik in žanrsko analiziramo katalog založbe. V zadnjem delu naloge se osredotočimo na slovenski prostor in ustvarjanje televizijskih oper ter opernih filmov pri nas.

Keywords:Televizijska opera, operna produkcija, televizija, opera
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128118 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Opera in the television media
This dissertation aims to explore and analyse how opera is connected with multimedia devices, with a focus on the connection between opera and television. It presents a chronological overview of the 20th century and focuses on specific milestones in the connection between opera and television. It also mentions the creation of a new genre that emerged due to the cooperation of opera and television. The first part of the dissertation focuses on the development of technology in connection to the opera. Special emphasis is placed upon the importance and role of opera in the development of devices such as the radio and television, as well as how it was perceived by the most important innovators of that time. The second part is dedicated to the time after the Second World War. These years saw the largest increase in the interest in opera films, which is why a new genre was developed, called the television opera. A large part is dedicated to the issues that accompanied the relation between opera and television from its very beginning. Finally, it also mentions the present-day state of television operas throughout the world. It also mentions the publisher Arthaus Musik, and analyses the accessibility of operas through it. The last part of the dissertation focuses on Slovenia and the creation of television operas and opera films.

Keywords:Television opera, opera productions, television, opera

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