
Povezava med močjo mišic stegna in poškodbami spodnjega uda pri košarkarjih : magistrsko delo
ID Prešeren, Tina (Author), ID Hadžić, Vedran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Erčulj, Frane (Comentor)

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Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali se parametri mišične jakosti oziroma asimetrije jakosti štiriglave stegenske mišice in zadnje lože stegna ter medmišična razmerja omenjenih mišičnih skupin razlikujejo med poškodovanimi in nepoškodovanimi košarkarji. Nato pa ugotoviti in analizirati povezave med močjo mišic stegna in težavami spodnjega uda. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 68 perspektivnih košarkarjev, od tega 55 moških in 13 žensk, starih med 14 in 19 let. Vsak izmed testirancev je najprej izpolnil vprašalnik o poškodbah v preteklih 12 mesecih, nato pa smo jim izmerili osnovne antropometrične parametre. Temu je sledilo standardizirano ogrevanje in izokinetično testiranje na dinamometru. Vsak testiranec je izvedel ogrevalni niz z 10 ponovitvami pri kotni hitrosti 60°/sek, nato pa še 5 maksimalnih koncentričnih ponovitev iztega in upogiba kolena ter 5 maksimalnih ekscentričnih ponovitev upogiba kolena, prav tako pri kotni hitrosti 60°/sek. Med vsakim izvedenim korakom so imeli merjenci minimalno 2 minuti odmora. Za izokinetične meritve smo uporabili dinamometer Imoment (SMM, Maribor, Slovenija) in na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov izračunali razmerje med dominantno in nedominantno nogo ter znotraj mišična in medmišična razmerja. Podatke smo obdelali v statističnem programu IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, ZDA). Za analizo izmerjenih in izračunanih parametrov mišične jakosti med poškodovanimi in nepoškodovanimi smo uporabili enosmerno analizo variance, nato pa smo poskušali ustvariti regresijski model, ki bi lahko pojasnil morebitno povezanost med poškodovanostjo (da/ne) in izbranimi parametri mišične jakosti. V naši raziskavi nismo našli statistično značilnih razlik med poškodovanimi in nepoškodovanimi. Šele pri primerjavi igralcev s poškodbo in brez nje glede na del telesa so se pojavile razlike, a le pri kroničnih težavah kolka oz. dimelj. Natančneje pri koncentrični (p=0,012) in ekscentrični (p=0,001) jakosti nedominantne zadnje lože ter posledično v razmerju zadnja loža ekscentrično/koncentrično na nedominantni strani (p=0,006). Pri kroničnih poškodbah kolena pa ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik, dokler nismo ustvarili nove spremenljivke, kjer so se kot poškodbe oziroma resne težave štele le tiste, ki so na 10-stopenjski lestvici povzročale težave, večje od 5. Po omenjeni na novo vpeljani spremenljivki so imeli igralci z resnimi težavami s kolenom statistično značilno nižje razmerje (p=0,041) kot tisti brez resnih težav s kolenom.

Keywords:košarka, poškodbe, izokinetična moč nog, štiriglava stegenska mišica, zadnja loža
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128040 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69894659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between thigh muscles strength and lower limb injuries in basketball players
The aim of this master's thesis was to determine evaluate differences between injured and uninjured basketball players in parameters of muscle strength or strength asymmetries of quadriceps and hamstrings and intermuscular ratios of these muscle groups and also to identify and analyse the association between thigh muscle strength and lower limb problems/injuries. The research included 68 promising basketball players of whom 55 were men and 13 were women between the ages of 14 and 19. Each of the test subjects first completed an injury history form for injuries in the past 12 months. Then we measured their basic anthropometric parameters. This was followed by standardized warm-up and isokinetic testing on a dynamometer. Each subject performed a warm-up set with 10 repetitions at an angular velocity of 60°/sec, followed by 5 maximum concentric repetitions of knee extension and flexion and 5 maximum eccentric repetitions of knee flexion, also at an angular velocity of 60°/sec. During each performed step the subjects had a minimum break of 2 minutes. For isokinetic measurements we used the Imoment dynamometer (SMM, Maribor, Slovenia) and based on the obtained results (maximal peak torque values of flexion and extension of the knee) we calculated the ratio between the dominant and non-dominant leg and muscular ratios. Data was processed in the IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). To analyse the measured and calculated parameters of muscle strength between injured and uninjured we used one-way ANOVA and then a regression model was created to explain the possible relationship between injury status (yes/no) and selected muscle strength parameters which as potential injury predictors (risk and/or protective factors). In our study we did not find statistically significant differences between the injured and the uninjured basketball players. Only when comparing players with and without injury according to the part of the body the differences appeared in chronic hip/groin injuries. More precisely, at concentric (p=0,012) and eccentric (p=0,001) strength of the non-dominant hamstring and consequently in hamstring ratio eccentric/concentric on the non-dominant side (p=0,006). There were no statistically significant differences in chronic knee injuries until we created a new variable where only those that had knee pain greater than 5 on a 10-point scale were considered as players with injury/serious problem. After this change players with serious knee problems had a statistically significant lower ratio (p=0,041) than those without serious knee problems.

Keywords:basketball, injury, isokinetic leg strength, quadriceps, hamstrings

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