
Postmoderni trendi v slovenskem luksuznem turizmu: primer Rogaške Slatine in Podčetrtka : primer Rogaške Slatine in Podčetrtka
ID Božak, Nejc (Author), ID Lah, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V turizmu se dogajajo veliki premiki tako na ponudbeni strani kot na strani turistov. V literaturi so novodobni trendi na področju turizma zelo pogosta tematika in veliko avtorjev le-te povezuje s širšim družbenim pojmom postmodernizma. V magistrski nalogi sem se osredotočil na vidik tega pojma, ki se nanaša na luksuzni turizem v Sloveniji. Na podlagi virov in intervjujev z nekaterimi turističnimi deležniki dveh destinacij sem ugotovil, da se ponudniki vse bolj zavedajo novodobnih trendov, ki jih lahko povežemo s postmodernostjo, vendar je v praksi prisotnih še nekaj vrzeli, zaradi katerih luksuzni turistični potencial dveh slovenskih destinacij ni izkoriščen v popolnosti. V empiričnem delu naloge sem uporabil kvalitativne raziskovalne metode intervjujev, ki so bili opravljeni z direktorjema javnih zavodov za turizem in kulturo destinacij Rogaška Slatina in Podčetrtek, s predstavniki nekaterih turističnih ponudnikov omenjenih destinacij in predstavnico turistične agencije iz Rogaške Slatine. Na koncu sem primerjal odgovore intervjuvancev ene in druge destinacije ter ocenil, katera destinacija ima več skupnih točk s teorijo o postmodernem luksuznem turizmu. Ugotovitve sem povezal tudi s strategijo luksuznega turizma Slovenske turistične organizacije in kvalitativno ocenil, katera destinacija je z njo bolj skladna.

Keywords:Postmodernizem, post-turizem, post-turist, luksuzni turizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Božak]
Number of pages:157 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128014 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71072515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2021
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Title:Postmodern trends in Slovenian luxury tourism: the case of Rogaška Slatina and Podčetrtek : magistrsko delo
In tourism, there are big changes both on the supply side and on the side of tourists. In the literature, modern trends in the field of tourism are a very common topic and many authors associate these trends with the broader social concept of postmodernism. In my master's thesis, I focused on the aspect of this concept, which refers to luxury tourism in Slovenia. Based on sources and interviews with some tourism representatives of the two destinations, I found that providers are increasingly aware of modern trends that can be associated with postmodernity, but in practice there are still gaps that prevent the luxury tourism of the two Slovenian destinations to reach its potential in full. In the empirical part of the thesis, I used qualitative research method of interviews conducted with directors of public institutes for tourism and culture in Rogaška Slatina and Podčetrtek, representatives of some tourist providers of these destinations and a representative of a tourist agency from Rogaška Slatina. In the end, I made a comparison between the answers of the interviewees of one and the other destination and assessed which destination has more in common with the theory of postmodern luxury tourism. I also linked the findings to the luxury tourism strategy of the Slovenian Tourist Board and qualitatively assessed which destination is more in line with it.

Keywords:Postmodernism, post-tourism, post-tourist, luxury tourism.

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