Homosexual individuals are defined in our society as individuals attracted to same-sex individuals. Homosexual identity starts to shape in childhood, and no factors can influence it. In my graduate research, I interviewed homosexual individuals to determine how they accepted their identity as homosexuals. Moreover, I researched how they dealt with their homosexual identity and how they entered the process of expressing their homosexual identity to the outside world. My research involved how individuals came out as homosexuals to their friends, family, and others and how the social media world influenced this decision. Individuals that come out to the world as homosexuals experience challenging moments in that time of their life, mainly because they are followed with fear. I interviewed homosexual individuals, where we discussed their stories about coming out as homosexuals. I collected the data and did a short analysis. I found out that homosexual individuals came out to the public shortly after accepting themselves with their homosexual identity. The results also showed that interviewed individuals came out as homosexuals to their friends first, before others.