
Produkcijski postopki v spletni redakciji časopisa Delo : magistrsko delo
ID Benčina, Katja (Author), ID Milosavljevič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Postopen upad naklad časopisa Delo, ki je bil posledica razvoja novih tehnologij, privatizacije Dela in kasneje medijsko odmevnega kadrovanja na vrhu Dela, je privedel do tega, da so morali v časopisni hiši začeti dajati večji poudarek spletni strani delo.si. Leta 2018 so jo popolnoma obnovili, tehnološko izboljšali in ustvarili bolj ažurno spletno stran, ki poleg krajših novic vsebuje tudi poglobljene vsebine, ki so plačljive. Ob obnovi spletne strani so prilagodili tudi produkcijske in delovne postopke ter začeli z združevanjem ali konvergenco uredništev časopisa in spletne strani. Analiza je pokazala, da so se pri tem spopadli s številnimi zapleti predvsem zaradi pričakovanja, da bodo lahko s konvergenco zmanjšali stroške delovanja, in zaradi napačnih strategij vodenja zaposlenih. To je vodilo do odpora pri sprejemanju sprememb zaposlenih novinarjev in do odpovedi urednice spletne strani. Analiza je pokazala tudi, da so številne zaplete z boljšim vodenjem kasneje uspeli rešiti in da danes zaradi obnove spletne strani število naročnikov in bralcev raste. Kljub vsemu prinaša spletna stran delo.si v primerjavi s časopisom Delo le majhen odstotek prihodkov, in sicer od 2 do 5, zaradi česar bodo morali v prihodnosti najti nove in boljše načine za ustvarjanje prihodkov na spletni strani.

Keywords:delo.si, časopis Delo, združevanje redakcij, konvergenca, strategije vodenja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Benčina]
Number of pages:147 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127886 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69942275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Production procedures in the online editorial office of the newspaper Delo
It was the gradual decline in the circulation of the newspaper Delo, which was the result of the development of new technologies as well as the process of privatization of Delo and later on changes in the magazine management, which were extensively questioned in the other media, that led the newspaper to give more emphasis to their website delo.si. Consequently, in 2018 the website was completely renewed, technologically improved and filled with more up-to-date content. In addition to shorter news coverage, the website started to publish more in-depth articles for which they could charge money. Moreover, they adjusted the production and work procedures and started the convergence of the editorial board of the newspaper and the website. The analysis has showed that they faced a number of complications chiefly because of the expectations that through convergence they would be able to reduce operating costs, but also because of the incorrect employee management strategies. Journalists resisted changes and it eventually culminated in the website editor quitting. The analysis has, furthermore, showed that with better management later on many complications were solved and today due to the renovation of the website the number of subscribers and readers is growing. Nevertheless, the delo.si website brings only a small percentage of revenue compared to the Delo newspaper, namely 2 to 5 percent, which is why in the future they will have to find new and better ways to generate more revenue.

Keywords:delo.si, newspaper Delo, convergence, management, journalism

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