
Like A Girl: Femoglaševanje kot manifestacija postfeminizma : femoglaševanje kot manifestacija postfeminizma
ID Vlašič, Vita (Author), ID Vezovnik, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Femoglaševanje je oglaševalski trend, ki se razvija skupaj z družbenimi, kulturnimi ter političnimi procesi in temelji na postfeminističnih idejah. Takšne vrste oglasi so namenjeni predvsem opolnomočenju žensk skozi uporabo postfeminističnih konceptov. Pri raziskovanju femoglasov je pomemben tudi koncept blagovnega feminizma, kjer želijo oglaševalska podjetja spremeniti postfeministične diskurze za uporabo pri pridobivanju tržnega deleža na oglaševalskem trgu in za izboljšanje identitete blagovne znamke. Skozi diplomsko delo tako raziskujem razvoj postfeminizma, njegove glavne koncepte, pozicioniranje postfeminizma v medijskem okolju in njegovo povezavo s popularno kulturo ter blagovni feminizem, ki deluje kot osnova za nadaljno raziskovanje femoglaševanja. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo orodij, ki jih ponuja multimodalna kritična analiza diskurza, raziskujem reprezentacijo žensk v izbranih femoglasih blagovnih znamk Always in Dove, uporabo postfeminističnih konceptov znotraj tekstov ter povezavo s teorijo blagovnega feminizma. Pri raziskavi in povezovanju s teorijo se osredotočam na načine reprezentacije žensk v izbranih femoglasih, načine uporabe koncepta opolnomočenosti in ostalih postfeminističnih konceptov v femoglasih in na povezavo femoglasov s trženjskimi strategijami blagovnih znamk.

Keywords:postfeminizem, opolnomočenje, blagovni feminizem, femoglaševanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Vlašič]
Number of pages:40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127880 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70326019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.06.2021
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Title:Like a girl: Femvertising as a postfeministic manifestation : diplomsko delo
Femvertising is an advertising trend that develops along with social, cultural, and political processes and is based on postfeminist ideas. These types of advertisements are primarily aimed at empowering women through the use of postfeminist concepts. The concept of commodity feminism is also important in the research of femvertisements, where advertising companies want to change postfeminist discourses for use in gaining market share in the advertising industry and for improving brand identity. Through my dissertation I explore the evolution of postfeminism, its main concepts, the positioning of postfeminism in the media environment, its connection with popular culture and commodity feminism, which acts as a basis for further research on femvertising. In the empirical part, with the help of tools offered by multimodal critical discourse analysis, I explore the representation of women in selected femvertisements by brands Always and Dove, the use of postfeminist concepts within texts and the connection with the theory of commodity feminism. When linking results of analysis to theory, I focus on ways of representing women in selected femvertisements, ways of using the concept of empowerment and other postfeminist concepts, and connecting femvertising with advertising strategies.

Keywords:postfeminism, empowerment, commodity feminism, femvertising

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