
Načrtovanje sončne elektrarne in baterijskega hranilnika s ciljem energetske samooskrbe podjetja : diplomsko delo
ID Marentič, Tim (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podnebne spremembe so postale eden ključnih problemov sodobne družbe, zato se pričenja uvajanje okoljskih standardov, ki celotno gospodarsko panogo silijo k zmanjšanju izpustov toplogrednih plinov v ozračje. Največji mejnik, ki podjetja in države nagovarja k uporabi obnovljivih virov energije, je Evropski zeleni dogovor 2050. Dva ukrepa na katera sem se osredotočil v diplomski nalogi, sta dekarbonizacija energetskega sektorja in naložbe v okolju prijazne tehnologije. Cilj podjetja Melamin d.d. Kočevje je izvesti korak proti dekarbonizaciji energetskega sektorja in samooskrbi (energetski samooskrbi) s pomočjo sončne elektrarne z vršno močjo, ki bo v treh poletnih mesecih (junij, julij in avgust) v dnevnem času poleg rabe električne energije podjetja, proizvedla toliko viškov električne energije, ki se bodo shranili v baterijski hranilnik električne energije, da bodo ti zadoščali rabi električne energije podjetja v nočnem času in se takrat porabili. S tem se bo v tem obdobju zagotovila samooskrba (energetska samooskrba) podjetja. Ta cilj predstavlja vsebino moje diplomske naloge. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen potek načrtovanja koraka proti dekarbonizaciji energetskega sektorja in samooskrbi podjetja s pomočjo sončne elektrarne in baterijskega hranilnika električne energije. Predstavil sem pridobitev ustreznih podatkov o rabi električne energije podjetja s pomočjo programa Uniformance in izračun vseh ustreznih podatkov o sončnem sevanju iz programa PVGIS. Ob določitvi vseh ustreznih parametrov sem prikazal izračun idealne vršne moči sončne elektrarne, ki je v skladu s ciljem podjetja. Izračunal in določil sem tudi vse potrebne parametre baterijskega hranilnika električne energije. Uspešnost predlagane rešitve sem ocenil na podlagi primerjave med predvideno proizvodnjo sončne elektrarne in rabo električne energije podjetja v obdobju treh poletnih mesecev ter celotnega leta. Pridobljene informativne ponudbe za postavitev sončne elektrarne in baterijskega hranilnika električne energije sem primerjal in izbral najboljšo. Določil sem koliko električne energije na celoletni ravni bo moralo podjetje še pridobiti iz obnovljivih virov energije, da bo doseglo samooskrbo v celotnem letu. Za lažjo oceno celotne investicije sem podal še alternativne možnosti hranjenja električne energije danes in čez deset let. V zaključku sem ocenil smiselnost in izvedljivost celotne investicije ter odločitev podkrepil z razlogi. Ugotovil sem, da je trenutno smiselna le postavitev sončne elektrarne, saj je današnja nakupna cena baterijskih hranilnikov električne energije še previsoka, da bi se investicija povrnila v dovolj kratkem časovnem obdobju.

Keywords:Evropski zeleni dogovor, samooskrba, obnovljivi viri energije, sončna elektrarna, baterijski hranilnik električne energije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Marentič]
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127869 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68859395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Solar power plant and battery storage design targeting company’s energy self-sufficiency : visokošolski strokovni študijski program prve stopnje Aplikativna elektrotehnika
As climate change became one of the major concerns of modern society, various climate standards are implemented to lessen greenhouse gas emissions of global economy. The European Green Deal 2050 is one of the most important agreements that encourages businesses and countries to use renewable energy sources. This Bachelors’ thesis focuses on two European Green Deal’s measures – decarbonisation of the energy sector and investments in environmentally friendly technologies. This thesis deals with energy sector decarbonisation, which is also a main goal of the company Melamin d.d. Kočevje. The company strives to become self-sufficient (energy self-sufficient) through the use of a solar power plant, capable of generating enough energy during daytime in summer months (June, July and August) to power the company as well as excess energy that will be stored in a battery storage and used during the night. Melamin would thus become a self-sufficient (energy self-sufficient) company during summer months. I outlined the planning process of the energy sector decarbonisation, the development of a self-sufficient company with a solar power plant and a battery storage. I presented the process of retrieving relevant data on company’s energy consumption using a software program Uniformance as well as a calculation of all relevant data on solar radiation using a software program PVGIS. I demonstrated the calculation of the solar power plant optimal rated power as per company goals by determining all the relevant parameters. I also calculated and determined all the necessary parameters of the battery storage. The effectiveness of this solution was assessed based on the comparison of the expected energy generation of the solar power plant and the company’s energy consumption during both summer months and the entire year. After comparing several non-binding offers to build a solar power plant and a battery storage, I selected the best one. I determined the amount of energy that the company would have to generate from the renewable energy sources in order to be self-sufficient all year long. To help assess the value of the whole investment, I presented some alternative options of electricity storage today and in ten years’ time. In the conclusion, I assessed the viability and feasibility of this investment by using the data obtained in this thesis. I concluded that at the present time, the viable solution is to only build a solar power plant, since the market price for battery storage remains too high for the investment to recoup in a sufficiently short time period.

Keywords:European Green Deal, self-sufficiency, renewable energy sources, solar power plant, battery storage

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