
Analiza vpliva obnašanja uporabnikov na kakovost notranjega okolja in rabe energije v stavbah : magistrsko delo
ID Moličnik Turk, Kaja (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stritih, Uroš (Comentor)

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Raziskave po svetu so dokazale, da ima obnašanje uporabnikov velik vpliv na rabo energije in kakovostno notranje okolje. Namen magistrske naloge je preučiti vpliv obnašanja uporabnikov na udobje in rabo energije v pisarniškem delu stavbe anonimnega podjetja (12 pisarn, 42 zaposlenih). Izvedena je bila kvalitativna in kvantitativna analiza, ki je vključevala kombinacijo sistematičnega pregleda literature z identifikacijo vplivnihfaktorjev in parametrov, ankete med zaposlenimi, opazovanje obnašanja zaposlenih (nastavitev temperature in stopnje stropnega konvektorja, prižiganje luči, dvig žaluzij, odpiranje oken) in meritve izbranih parametrov kakovosti notranjega okolja (temperatura in relativna vlažnost notranjega zraka, koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida). Meritve, ankete in opazovanje smo izvedli v hladilnem (julij, avgust, 2020) in ogrevalnem obdobju (december, 2020). Na osnovi analize rezultatov smo predlagali ukrepe za kakovostno udobje in zmanjšanje rabe energije. V poletnem obdobju je bilo v povprečju nezadovoljnih 8 % ljudi (kategorija B notranjega okolja), v zimskem obdobju pa 12 % (kategorija C). Ne glede na obdobje je v popoldanskem času več anketirancev zaznalo slab zrak kot v dopoldanskem času, okna pa so večinoma ostala zaprta (povprečna dnevna koncentracija CO2je bila v poletnem obdobju 1477ppm, v zimskem pa 1404ppm). Rezultati anket in opazovanja so pokazali, da poteka nižanje zadovoljstva in višanje rabe energije vzporedno. V hladilni sezoni se z odpiranjem oken niža koncentracija CO2v prostoru, vzporedno pa v prostor vdira vroč zrak, ki viša rabo energije in hkrati niža udobje, saj ljudem postaja vroče. Uporabniki so vzporedno odpirali okna in prižigali hladilno napravo. Z računskim primerom smo prikazali, da je raba energije v primeru rekuperacije v poletnem obdobju 2 krat nižja, v zimskem pa kar do 12,5 krat nižja. Kombinacija ukrepov, ki vključuje pravilno zasnovo stavbe, izbor učinkovitihprezračevalnihsistemov in osveščanje uporabnikov se izkaže kot pravilen pristop v smeri nižanja rabe energije in dosegu udobjav notranjem okolju.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, obnašanje uporabnikov, stavbe, uporabniki, udobje, raba energije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Moličnik Turk]
Number of pages:XIV, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127860 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69495043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the occupants behavior on the quality of the internal environment and energy use in the buildings : masterʼs thesis
Research around the world has shown that user behavior has a major impact on energy use and the indoor environmental quality. The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine the impact of user behavior on comfort and energy use in the offices of an anonymous company (12 offices, 42 employees). A qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed, which included a combination of systematic literature review with identification of influencing factors and parameters, employee surveys, observation of employee behavior (temperature and ventilation rate settings of the ceiling convector, light switching, blind positioning, window opening) and measuring of parameters of the indoor environmntal quality (temperatureand relative humidity of the indoor air, carbon dioxide concentration). Measurements, surveys and observations were performed in the cooling (July, August, 2020) and heating periods (December, 2020). Based on the analysis of the results, we proposed measures to improve the indoor environmntal quality and reduce energy use.On average, 8% of people were dissatisfied in the summer period (category B of the indoor environment) and 12% in the winter period (category C). Regardless of the period, more respondents perceived poor air quality inthe afternoon than in the morning, and the windows mostly remained closed (the average daily CO2concentrationwas 1477ppm in the summer period and 1404ppm in the winter period). The results of surveys and observations showed that the decline in occupant comfort and the increase in energy use are directly correlated. During the cooling season, opening windows lowers the concentration of CO2 in the room, and simultaneously allows hot air to enter the room, which increases energy use and at the same time reduces comfort, as people become overheated. Users were opening windows and turning on the cooling convector concurrently. With a computational example we showed that the energy use in the case of recuperation in the summer period is two times lower, and in the winter period up to 12.5 times lower. A combination of measures, which includes the correct design of the building, the selection of efficient ventilation systems and the awareness of users, proves to be the right approach towards reducing energy useand achieving comfort in the indoor environment.

Keywords:civil engineering, masterʼs thesis, occupants behavior, building, occupants, comfort, energy consumption

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