
Pričakovane kompetence linijskih vodij: primer podjetja Radenska d. o. o. : primer podjetja Radenska d. o. o.
ID Telkeš, Špela (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kompetence so pri zaposlenih na delovnem mestu linijski vodja ključen akter za kvalitetno opravljanje delovnih nalog. Pri obravnavanem kadru imajo pomembno vlogo tako strokovne kot vodstvene kompetence. Kompetence linijskih vodij se sicer nekoliko razlikujejo glede na vrsto podjetja. Pri empiričnem raziskovanju smo zato konkretizirali podjetje, ki deluje v živilski industriji. Obravnavali smo proizvodno podjetje, kjer je poznavanje linije ena najpomembnejših kompetenc linijske vodje. Ugotavljamo, da gre za specifične strokovne kompetence, ki se v veliki meri pridobijo z izkušnjami. V povezavi s tem so vsi linijski vodje s strokovno tehnično izobrazbo svojo karierno pot začeli na delovnem mestu operaterja v proizvodnji. S pomočjo kvalitativne metode raziskovanja v obliki intervjujev smo ugotovili, da so si kompetence med vrhnjim in srednjim vodstvom ter linijskimi vodji v določenih segmentih podobne. Ob tem je potrebno poudariti, da so kompetence vrhnjega in srednjega vodstva bolj izražene. Vsekakor pa izmed vseh treh vodstvenih ravneh izstopajo strokovne kompetence pri linijskih vodjih. Pomanjkanje kompetenc na področju menedžmenta človeških virov se po drugi strani izrazi kot ovira. Ugotavljamo, da lahko to oviro linijski vodje premagajo s pomočjo dodatnih usposabljanj.

Keywords:linijski vodja, vodja kadrovske službe, vodja obrata, kompetence, devolucija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Telkeš]
Number of pages:101 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127851 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69812995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Expected competencies of line managers in the case of Radenska d.o.o. : diplomsko delo
Competences are a key actor for quality performance of work tasks in the workplace of a line manager. Both professional and leadership competencies play an important role when considering the employees. The competencies of line managers differ slightly depending on the type of company. In the empirical research, we concretized a company operating in the food industry. We focused on a production company where one of the most important competencies of a line manager is the knowledge of the line. We find that these are specific professional competencies that are largely acquired through experience. In connection with this, all line managers with vocational and technical education began their careers at the position of production operator. With qualitative research method in the form of interviews, we found that the competencies between the top and middle management and line managers are similar in certain segments. It should be emphasized that they are also more pronounced. In any case, the professional competencies of line managers stand out from all three management levels. The lack of competencies in the field of human resource management, on the other hand, is expressed as an obstacle. We find that line managers can overcome it with additional training.

Keywords:line manager, head of human resources, manager of the establishment, competence, devolution

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