
Doživljanje mater in strategije spoprijemanja s stiskami ob uvajanju otroka v vrtec : diplomsko delo
ID Rupert, Klara (Author), ID Skubic, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanek Zidarič, Tita (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Novorojenček je nebogljeno bitje, ki že od rojstva hrepeni po stiku in odnosih. V prvem letu življenja govorimo o t. i. simbiotičnem odnosu, ki na prehodu na izven maternično življenje predstavlja nadomestek biološke vezi med otrokom in materjo. Z razpadom simbioze prične otrok stopati na pot samostojnosti ter individualizacije. Ena izmed pomembnejših prelomnic v tem času lahko predstavlja tudi uvajanje otroka v vrtec, ki zaradi potrebe po vsakodnevnem ločevanju predstavlja velik čustveni izziv tako materi kot otroku. Vključevanje otroka v jasli poteka v najobčutljivejšem obdobju otrokovega razvoja. Tudi prisotnost dojenja v času uvajanja v vrtec lahko vpliva na doživljanja mater v tem času, a odstavljanje od prsi ni pogoj za uspešno vključitev otroka v vrtec. Namen: V diplomskem delu želimo raziskati, kaj doživljajo matere med uvajanjem otroka v vrtec in kakšnih strategij spoprijemanja s stresom se ob tem poslužujejo matere, ki svojega otroka še dojijo v primerjavi s tistimi materami, ki so z dojenjem prenehale že prej. Metode dela: V prvem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom literature, ki smo jo pridobili s pomočjo iskanja v spletnih podatkovnih bazah: SpringerLink, Medline in PubMed, s pomočjo baze COBISS ter s pomočjo Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKUL). V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge je bila uporabljena kvalitativna metoda dela. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo osmih polstrukturiranih intervjujev, v katerih so sodelovale štiri doječe in štiri nedoječe matere. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike v doživljanju med materami, ki so svojega 11-mesečnega otroka ob vstopu v vrtec še dojile in materami, ki so z dojenjem prenehale že prej. V povprečju so doječe matere otroka uvajale nekoliko dlje časa, vse matere pa so med uvajanjem otroka v vrtec doživljale občutke tesnobe. Dojeni otroci so ločitev prenesli težje kot nedojeni. Materam je v največ primerih stisko olajšalo osredotočanje na druge obveznosti ter aktivno preživljanje popoldneva z otrokom. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je najpogostejši razlog za vključitev 11-mesečnega otroka v vrtec iztek porodniškega dopusta. Matere so svojega otroka pred odhodom v vrtec na to pripravile, predvsem s spremembo dnevne rutine. Da bi bilo uvajanje čim manj stresno pa je izrednega pomena tudi sodelovanje med starši ter strokovnim osebjem v vrtcu. Večjih sprememb se naj v tem času ne bi uvajalo, saj je vstop otroka v vrtec že sam po sebi stresen dogodek za starše in otroke.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, navezanost, uvajanje v vrtec, dojenje, separacijska anskioznost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Rupert]
Number of pages:54 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127822 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68138499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of mothers and coping strategies during introduction a child to kindergarten : diploma work
Introduction: A newborn is a helpless creature who longs for contact and relationship since birth. In the first year of life we talk about a so called symbiotic relationship which in the transition to extrauterine life represents a substitute for the biological bond between a child and his mother. With the disintegration of the symbiosis, the child begins to embark on the path of independence and individualisation. One of the most important turning points during this time can be introducing the child to kindergarten, which due to daily separation of the relationship, represents a great emotional challenge for the mother and the child. The inclusion of a child in to a nursery takes place during the most sensitive period of the child's development. Breastfeeding at the time of introduction to kindergarten can significantly affect the mothers' experiences during this time as well, however weaning is not a guarantee for a successful inclusion of a child in the kindergarten. Purpose: In the diploma thesis we want to investigate what mothers experience during the time of introduction of a child to kindergarten and what strategies for coping with stress are used by mothers who are still breastfeeding their children at this time, compared to mothers who stop breastfeeding before the introduction of their children to kindergarten. Methods: For the first part we used a descriptive method of working with a review of literature, obtained by searching the following online databases: SpringerLink, Medline and PubMed, using the COBISS database and University of Ljubljana's Digital Library (DiKUL). For the empirical part of the diploma thesis we used the qualitative method of work. We obtained the data through eight semi-structured interviews, including four breastfeeding mothers and four mothers who stop breastfeeding before the introduction. Results: We found that there are certain differences in experiences between mothers who were still breastfeeding their 11-month-old child when introduced to kindergarten and mothers who had stopped breastfeeding earlier. On average, mothers who were breastfeeding took slightly longer to introduce their child to kindergarten, but all mothers experienced feelings of anxiety during the period of introduction of their child to kindergarten. Parting from the mothers was more difficult for breastfed children than non-breastfed children. In most cases, mothers were relieved of the hardship by focusing on other activities and then actively spending the afternoon with their child. Discussion and conclusion: The results of our research show that the most common reason for introducing an 11-month-old child to kindergarten is the expiration of maternity leave. Mothers prepared their children for the change before introducing them to kindergarten, mainly by changing their daily routine. To make the introduction the least stressful possible, cooperation between the parent and the kindergarten staff are extremely important. It is also recommended that no major changes be introduced during this time as the child's entry into kindergarten is in itself a stressful event for both parents and children.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, attachment, kindergarten introduction, breastfeeding, separation anxiety

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