
Analiza uspešnosti naravne in umetne obnove po ujmah v gozdovih v okolici Ljubljanskega vrha
ID Raida, David (Author), ID Roženbergar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil oceniti uspešnost naravne in umetne obnove gozdov pri Vrhniki, ki jih je leta 2017 prizadel vetrolom. Raziskava je bila opravljena julija 2020 na 30 vzorčnih ploskvicah (5 × 5 m). 10 vzorčnih ploskvic smo postavili na ograjeno raziskovalno ploskev z umetno obnovo, 10 ploskvic na neograjeno raziskovalno ploskev z umetno obnovo, ostalih 10 ploskvic pa na raziskovalno ploskev, ki je bila prepuščena naravni obnovi. Najprej smo ocenili zastiranje zelišč, grmovnic, skalovitosti, vejevja in odraslega drevja. Po odpravi zeliščnega zastora smo prešli k štetju vseh osebkov sajenega in naravnega mladja po drevesnih vrstah, oceni njihovih višinskih razredov, poškodovanosti in vitalnosti. Na ploskvah umetne obnove je bila gostota sadnje 3.000 dreves na hektar. Gostota klimaksnih vrst naravnega mladja se je na raziskovalnem območju gibala med 6.440 in 4.600 dreves na hektar. Ugotovili smo, da so drevesne vrste, ki so bile uporabljene za izvedbo umetne obnove, in sicer gorski javor, navadna bukev, navadna jelka, graden, divja češnja in navadna ameriška duglazija, primerne za rastišče in jih je v prihodnje na podobnih lokacijah smiselno upoštevati. Na ograjeni ploskvi je bila zaradi izključitve velikih rastlinojedov uspešnost pomlajevanja večja in mortaliteta sajenih dreves manjša. Gojitvena dela so na ploskvah umetne obnove povečala vitalnost naravnega in sajenega mladja. Velika zastrtost s strani robid, zelišč in grmovnic je omejevala nasemenitev in nemoteni razvoj naravnega in sajenega mladja.

Keywords:vetrolom, pomlajevanje, naravna obnova, umetna obnova, saditev, uspeh obnove, Vrhnika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Raida]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127819 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68793091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of natural and artificial regeneration success after disturbance in forests around Ljubljanski vrh
The purpose of the master's thesis was to evaluate the success of natural and artificial regeneration of forests near Vrhnika, which were damaged by windthrow in 2017. The research was conducted in July 2020 on 30 sample plots (5 × 5 m). Ten sample plots were placed in the fenced research area with artificial regeneration; ten plots in the non-fenced research area with artificial regeneration. The remaining ten ones in the research area that was left to natural regeneration. We first evaluated coverage of brambles, herbs, shrubs, branches, rocks and adult trees. After removing the layer of herbs, we counted all the planted and natural seedlings. We estimated seedlings tree species, height class, damage and vitality. On the artificial regeneration plots, the planting density was 3,000 trees per hectare. The density of natural regeneration of climax species in the research area was between 6,440 and 4,600 trees per hectare. We have found that the tree species used for artificial regeneration, namely common oak, silver fir, beech, sycamore maple, Douglas fir and wild cherry, are suitable for this site so they should be considered in similar locations in the future. Due to the exclusion of large herbivores, on the fenced plot the vitality of all seedlings was greater and the mortality of planted seedlings was lower. Silvicultural treatment increased the vitality of natural and planted seedlings on the plots of artificial regeneration. The high layer of brambles, herbs and shrubs limited regeneration recruitment and the undisturbed development of natural and planted seedlings.

Keywords:windthrow, natural regeneration, artificial regeneration, planting, regeneration success, Vrhnika

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