
Kistalni slapovi - konceptna ilustracija v industriji video iger
ID Georgievska, Nena (Author), ID Erič, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Semion Šantić, Tanja (Comentor)

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Zaradi dolgoletnega navdušenja nad video igrami in njihovo vizualno podobo sem se v svojem zaključnem delu posvetila raziskovanju industrije video iger in njeno povezavo z ilustracijo. Prva polovica diplomskega dela je posvečena teoriji in je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu sem predstavila zabavno industrijo in industrijo video iger, na kratko sem opisala zgodovinski potek razvoja video iger in natančneje opisala produkcijski proces izdelave video igre. V drugem delu sem se osredotočila natančnemu opisu in definiciji konceptne ilustracije. Za uvod v področje sem najprej definirala, kaj je ilustracija kot širša panoga in kaj je domišljijska ilustracija. Nato sem skozi natančno raziskovanje opredelila, kaj je konceptna ilustracija in njeno umestitev v produkcijski proces razvoja video iger. Opisala sem področja konceptne ilustracije, definirala, kaj so ključne podobe in predstavila poenostavljen proces izdelave konceptne ilustracije. Kot zaključek sem predstavila še zelo uspešno in prodorno konceptno ilustratorko Donglu Yu. Druga polovica diplomskega dela pa je posvečena praktičnemu delu. Začela sem z opredelitvijo ciljne skupine, v nadaljevanju pa sem se popolnoma osredotočila na opis in analizo konceptnih ilustracij za projekt Kristalni slapovi. Predstavila sem svoj postopek izdelave konceptnih ilustracij in opisala njihovo natančno likovno analizo. Nazadnje sem predstavila še načrt in specifikacije končnega fizičnega izdelka – plakata.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, domišljijska ilustracija, zabavna industrija, video igre, konceptna ilustracija, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2021
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Title:Crystalline Falls - concept art in the video game industry
Due to my long-lasting fascination with video games and their visual representation I have dedicated my diploma thesis to researching the video game industry and its connection with the field of illustration. The first half of the thesis is dedicated to theory and is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the entertainment and video game industries. It presents a short history of video game development and thoroughly describes the video game production process. The second part focuses on a detailed description and definition of concept art. Firstly, I defined illustration as a broader industry, and then the narrower term of fantasy illustration. Based on precise research I then defined concept art and its place within the video game production process. I described different areas of concept art, defined the key images, and presented a simplified process of creating concept art. Lastly, I presented the successful concept artist Donglu Yu. The second half of the thesis is dedicated to practical work. Firstly, I defined my target audience and then focused on describing and analysing the concept art I made for the “Crystalline Falls” project. I presented the creative process I used for making the concept art, followed by an analysis of said concept art. Lastly, I presented the layout and specifications of my final product – a poster.

Keywords:visual communication, illustration, fantasy illustration, entertainment industry, video games, concept art, BA thesis

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