
Pozornost in delovni spomin pri učencih z različno ravnjo fizične aktivnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Brecelj, Lucija (Author), ID Peklaj, Cirila (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mladostniki se v času osnovnošolskega šolanja vključujejo v različne obšolske fizične dejavnosti, kamor spadajo športne aktivnosti in tudi ples. Kaže se, da fizične aktivnosti vplivajo na učni uspeh učencev in tudi njihovo kognitivno delovanje. V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala fizično aktivnost mladostnikov in ali se kažejo razlike v izvršilnih funkcijah (delovni spomin, pozornost in inhibicija) pri treh skupinah različno aktivnih mladostnikov (nešportniki, športniki, plesalci). V prvem delu raziskave so učenci (N = 213) preko spleta izpolnili Vprašalnik fizične aktivnosti pri mladostnikih (VFAM) in Demografski vprašalnik. V nadaljevanju so bili izbrani udeleženci (N = 48) razdeljeni v tri skupine (nešportniki, športniki in plesalci) in izenačeni glede na ključne značilnosti. Odgovarjali so na Vprašalnik o fizični aktivnosti mladostnikov v času šolanja na daljavo in sodelovali pri kognitivnih nalogah za merjenje prostorskega delovnega spomina, pozornosti in inhibicije. Rezultati kažejo, da se udeleženci v času običajnega šolanja (v živo) aktivni v večji meri kot mladostniki po drugih državah. V času štirimesečnega šolanja na daljavo, pa se je pomembno zmanjšala količina povprečne fizične aktivnosti mladostnikov. Poleg tega se je povečal delež tistih, ki ne dosegajo minimalnega nivoja dnevne fizične aktivnosti, zmanjšala količina organiziranih fizičnih aktivnosti in izvedbena raven pri predmetu šport. V času šolanja na daljavo je bila skupina športnikov znatno bolj fizično aktivna v primerjavi z nešportniki, med plesalci in drugimi skupinami ni bilo razlik. S šolanjem na daljavo je bilo tudi onemogočeno običajno izvajanje organiziranih fizičnih aktivnosti. Med tremi skupinami mladostnikov (nešportniki, športniki in plesalci) se niso izkazale pomembne razlike v prostorskem delovnem spominu, pozornosti in inhibiciji.

Keywords:zgodnje mladostništvo, fizična aktivnost, delovni spomin, selektivna pozornost, inhibicija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Brecelj]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127786 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71388419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Students' attention and working memory at different levels of physical activity
Students in early adolescence (secondary school) are involved in various physical extracurricular activities, such as sports and dance activities. It seems that physical activities have an impact on academic achievement and cognitive performance. In my master's thesis, I investigated the level of physical activity among adolescents and explored possible differences in executive functions among the three groups of students with different levels of engagement in physical activity (non-athletes, athletes, dancers). First, students (N = 213) completed online questionnaires: Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire (YAPQ) and Demographic Questionnaire. Further selected students (N = 48) were divided into three equal groups (non-athletes, athletes, dancers) with similar characteristics. They completed Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire -during distance learning (Vprašalnik o fizični aktivnosti mladostnikov v času šolanja na daljavo) and cognitive tasks. The results showed that the participants were more active than students in other countries. During the four-month distance learning period, the average physical activity of the participants was statistically significantly reduced. In addition, the percentage of students who did not meet the minimum recommendations for physical activity was increased, the amount of physical extracurricular activities was reduced, and the level of physical education was reduced. During distance learning, the athletes group was more physically active than the non-athletes group, and there was no difference between the dancers and the other groups. Physical extracurricular activities were not performed as usual because of distance learning. Between three groups of students (non-athletes, athletes, dancers) I found no difference in tasks of working memory, attention and inhibition.

Keywords:early adolescence, physical activity, short term memory, selective attention, response inhibition

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