
Načrtovanje in izdelava spletnega mesta podjetja Fizioterapija Mužar s poudarkom na optimizaciji uporabniške izkušnje
ID Mužar, Sara (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je bil predstavljen celoten postopek načrtovanja, oblikovanja in izdelave spletnega mesta za podjetje Fizioterapija Mužar, Andreja Mužar, ki je samostojno podjetje in se v osnovi ukvarja s fizioterapijo ter, poleg tega ponuja še ostale storitve. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati spletno mesto, na podlagi pridobljenega znanja in raziskave teoretičnega dela. Cilj je bil izdelati spletno mesto s poudarkom na optimizirani uporabniški izkušnji, posledično pa pridobiti čim več novih uporabnikov na spletnem mestu. Teoretični del je vseboval razlago osnovnih pojmov, pomembne korake pri izdelavi in predstavitev sistemov za izdelavo spletnih mest. Tukaj smo se osredotočili na program WordPress, v katerem smo spletno mesto izdelali. Na koncu je bil definiran še pojem uporabniška izkušnja. V eksperimentalnem delu je bilo predstavljeno podjetje in njihove želje. Sledilo je načrtovanje v Adobe programih in izdelava spletnega mesta v sistemu WordPress. Pri načrtovanju smo izdelali in definirali vse korake za uspešno izdelavo spletnega mesta, od ciljev do vizualnih modelov. Informacijska arhitektura je bila izdelana s pomočjo metode razvrščanja kart. Sledila je izdelava spletnega mesta na lokalnem strežniku in prenos strani na zakupljen strežnik. Na koncu je bila izvedena anketa o zadovoljstvu uporabnikov s končnim spletnim mestom. V rezultatih in razpravi so bili predstavljeni rezultati metode dela razvrščanja kart. Ugotovili smo, da ima pri razvrščanju kart večina ciljnih uporabnikov podobno mišljenje. Rezultat diplomske naloge je bilo delujoče spletno mesto z optimizacijo uporabniške izkušnje. Pri izdelavi informacijske arhitekture smo si pomagali z metodo razvrščanja kart in s tem pripomogli k boljši razvrstitvi vsebine na spletnem mestu. Z anketo smo potrdili dobro načrtovanje in izdelavo spletnega mesta, saj so anketiranci ocenili uporabniško izkušnjo kot zelo dobro. Z anketiranjem smo tudi potrdili, da je naše spletno mesto na podlagi metode razvrščanja kart pripravljeno in optimizirano za uporabnika.

Keywords:spletno mesto, uporabniška izkušnja, fizioterapija, WordPress, informacijska arhitektura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127754 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2021
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Title:Planning and designing website for the company Fizioterapija Mužar with emphasis on user experience
The diploma thesis presented the entire process of planning, designing, and creating a website for Fizioterapija Mužar, Andreja Mužar, an independent company and mainly engaged in physiotherapy and some other services. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to create a website, based on the acquired knowledge and research of theoretical work. The goal was to create a website emphasizing an optimized user experience and, as result, gaining as many new users as possible on the site. The theoretical part included an explanation of the basic concepts, essential steps in creating and presenting systems for creating websites. Here we focused on the WordPress program in which we created the website. In the end, the concept of user experience was defined. In the experimental part, the company and their wishes were presented, followed by planning in Adobe programs, and creating a website in WordPress. During the planning, we created and defined all the steps for the successful creation of the website, from the goals to the visual models. The information architecture was created using the card sorting method, followed by creating a website on a local server and transferring the page to a live server. In the end, a survey was conducted on user satisfaction with the final site. In the results and discussion, the results of the card sorting method were presented. We found that most target users have a similar mindset when sorting cards. As a result of the thesis, there was a working website with user experience optimization. When creating the information architecture, we used the method of sorting cards, which helped to reorganize the content on the site better. We then confirmed the good design and construction of the website with the survey, as the respondents had a good user experience. We also confirmed that our site is prepared with an optimized user experience based on the card sorting method.

Keywords:website, user experience, physiotherapy, WordPress, information architecture

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