
Družbeno kritična ilustracija. Medij: plakat, animacija
ID Dostal, Nuša (Author), ID Jenko, Radovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ražman, Roman (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo vsebuje serijo družbeno kritičnih plakatov, ki se pojavijo tako v analogni kot digitalni, animirani obliki. Ilustracije so zasnovane kot avtorski pogled, osebni protest, oziroma kritična refleksija na nepravilnosti in absurdnosti v današnji družbi. Za izhodišče jemljem predpostavko, da je današnja družba vse bolj apatična, neodzivna, nepovezana, vrednote pa čedalje bolj skrhane. Menim, da je potrebno na nepravilnosti v družbi aktivno opozarjati tudi z oblikovanjem, saj je javni prostor prenasičen s komercialnimi vsebinami, oblikovalci pa se žal premalokrat zavedamo pomembnosti vloge družbeno kritičnega oblikovanja. Problemi, s katerimi se soočamo so globalni, zato predstavlja komentatorska, angažirana ilustracija popolno orodje za prenos transparentnih sporočil v vsem razumljivem vizualnem jeziku, kjer je tekst integriran v samo podobo. Aktualnih problematik se nameravam lotiti z uporabo satire ter črnega humorja, namen serije pa je v gledalcu vzbuditi družbeno odgovornost in ga spodbuditi k aktivni udeležbi v družbenokulturnih procesih. Sporočila ilustracij so jasna, minimalistična in nedvoumna, gre za vizualne prispodobe, ki prek prenesenih pomenov prikazujejo, oziroma izpostavljajo kritične točke današnje družbe ter na satiričen način razlagajo realnost.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, družbena kritika, plakat, animacija, video, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2021
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Title:Socio-political illustration. Medium: poster, animation
The master's thesis contains a series of socially critical posters that appear in both analog and digitally animated forms. The illustrations are designed as an author's view, a personal protest, or a critical reflection on injustices and irregularities in today's society. My starting point is the assumption that today's society is increasingly apathetic, unresponsive, unconnected, and values are increasingly broken. I believe that it is necessary to actively draw attention to irregularities in society through design, as public space is oversaturated with commercial content; and designers are unfortunately mostly unaware of the importance of the role of socially critical design. The problems facing today’s society are global, so a commentary through illustration is the perfect way to convey clear messages in all understandable visual language, where the text and the image are integrated. I intend to address current issues using satire and black humor, and the purpose of the series is to arouse social responsibility in the viewer and encourage him to actively participate in sociocultural processes. The messages in the illustrations are clear, minimalist, and unambiguous; they are visual parables that show or highlight the critical ideas of today's society figuratively and explain reality in a satirical way.

Keywords:visual communications, illustration, social critics, poster, animation, video, MA thesis

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