The graduation thesis deals with the fleet of the company Slovenske železnice as well as updates in the new century that took place. In addition, it also addressed infrastructure that has an important influence on fleet utilization.
In the second chapter, we mainly described basic characteristics of towing and towed vehicles (use of electric traction, volume of work performed by vehicles at the Slovenske železnice, maintenance workshops and a description of the vehicle types located at the Slovenske železnice and their characteristics). In the next and the fourth chapter, the thesis deals with the core of the research. Here, we compare of what was updated after the year 2000 regarding the entire fleet they possess. The fifth chapter addresses the present state of the Slovenian infrastructure and thus factors that influence non-utilization of newer or new fleet at the Slovenske železnice. These factors include axle loads, not electrification or different electrification, line permeability, train length limits etc. In addition to the presented infrastructural imperfections, we also present solutions. These solutions are projects that will bring large changes in the Slovenian railway sector. The projects also include a long-planned and necessary second railway track which will bring many benefits.