
Geomorfološke značilnosti Logaškega polja
ID Mihevc, Nevenka (Author), ID Stepišnik, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naše raziskave je bil izdelati geomorfološko analizo Logaškega polja, kar smo dosegli z vnaprej zastavljenimi cilji, ki so vključevali analizo obstoječe literature, morfografsko, morfometrično in morfostrukturno analizo. Končni cilj pa je bil morfogenetska interpretacija Logaškega polja, ki je temeljila na preučeni literaturi ter predhodno opravljenih analizah. Z geomorfološko analitsko metodo smo identificirali ter kvalitativno in kvantitativno opisali geomorfološke oblike, ki se pojavljajo na Logaškem polju in v njegovi bližnji okolici, ter njihovo prostorsko razporeditev in nastanek povezali z geološko strukturo območja. V nadaljevanju smo na podlagi literature in rezultatov analiz pojasnili geomorfološke procese, ki so izoblikovali današnji relief Logaškega polja. Za Logaško polje je značilno, da ga na zahodu obdaja fluviokraški relief z značilnimi geomorfološkimi oblikami za to okolje, kot so erozijski jarki, slemena, dolki in fluviokraška dolina. Proti vzhodu in jugu pa fluviokraški relief prehaja v kraškega, kjer so številne vrtače, udornice, kopaste vzpetine in uvale. Dno Logaškega polja prekrivajo različno debeli kvartarni nanosi, v katerih so nastale sufozijske vrtače, ki so prostorsko zelo neenakomerno razporejene po polju. Poleg vodotokov, ki pritekajo na polje z zahoda, so pri genezi Logaškega polja imeli pomembno vlogo tudi nekdanji vodotoki, ki danes niso več aktivni oziroma je njihova struga antropogeno preusmerjena. Na površju pa so ostale geomorfološke oblike, kot so nekdanji meandri in ponikve, fluviokraška terasa ter fluviokraška dolina.

Keywords:kras, kraško polje, Logaško polje, geomorfologija, fluviokraško površje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127623 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2021
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Title:Geomorphological features of Logaško polje
The purpose of our research was to elaborate a geomorphological analysis of the Logatec polje, which we accomplished by pre-defined goals that included an analysis of the existing literature, morphographic, morphometric, and morphostructural analysis. The final objective was a morphogenetic interpretation of the Logatec polje based on the pre-studied literature and previous analyses. The geomorphological analytical method was used to identify and describe the geomorphological forms occurring in the Logatec polje and its surroundings qualitatively and quantitatively, and to relate their spatial distribution and formation to the geological structure of the area. Next, the geomorphological processes that have shaped the relief of the Logatec polje were explained based on the literature and the results of the analysis. The Logatec polje is characterized by being surrounded by the fluviokarst relief to the west with geomorphological forms typical for this environment, such as gullies, ridges, dells, and fluviokarst valley. To the east and south, the fluviokarst relief passes into the karst relief, with numerous dolines, collapse dolines, cone hills, and uvalas. Quaternary deposits of varying thickness in which the suffosion dolines were formed cover the bottom of the Logatec polje and are spatially very unevenly distributed across the polje. In the addition to the watercourses flowing into the Logatec polje from the west, former watercourses that are no longer active or whose course has been diverted played an important role in the genesis of the Logatec polje. However, geomorphological forms, such as former meanders and sinkholes, fan terrace and the fluviokarst valley remained on the surface.

Keywords:karst, karst polje, Logatec polje, geomorphology, fluviokarst surface

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