
360 stopinjska povratna informacija kot orodje za identifikacijo pričakovanih kompetenc : magistrsko delo
ID Turk, Matej (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ugotavljanje in zaznavanje razkoraka med pričakovanimi kompetencami organizacije in posedovanimi kompetencami zaposlenega predstavlja ključno sposobnost organizacije, na podlagi katere lahko uspešno oblikuje razvojne plane svojih zaposlenih. Eno izmed orodij, ki jih kadrovski strokovnjaki uporabljajo, ko se spopadajo z opisanim izzivom, je vsekakor 360 stopinjsko ocenjevanje. S pomočjo orodja namreč posameznik prejme konstruktivni, več nivojski »feedback«, ki ga je sposoben sprejeti, na drugi strani pa organizacija pridobi informacijo o izraženosti posameznih ocenjevanih kompetenc. Skozi magistrsko delo bo predstavljena implementacija 360 stopinjskega ocenjevanja v slovenskem privatnem podjetju. S pomočjo omenjenega orodja bomo skušali zaznati slabše in boljše izražene kompetence ter na podlagi prejetih informacij postaviti razvojne plane za zaposlene v točno določenem podjetju. Za namen opravljanja empiričnega dela so bili izdelani standardizirani vprašalniki, ki bodo znotraj dotičnega podjetja ocenjevali vnaprej določene ključne kompetence. V magistrskem delu so zajeti posamezniki na vodstvenih položajih, kakor tudi zaposleni v komerciali. Na podlagi oblikovanih vprašalnikov smo v zaključku dela potrjevali oziroma zavračali štiri postavljene teze.

Keywords:360 stopinjsko ocenjevanje, kompetenčni model, kompetenčni profil, kompetenca, povratna informacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Turk]
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127583 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67483395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:360-degree feedback as a tool to identify expected competencies
Identifying and perceiving the gap between the expected competencies of the organization and the possessed competencies of the employee is a key ability of the organization, on the basis of which it can successfully formulate development plans for its employees. One of the tools that HR professionals use when tackling the described challenge, is 360-degree feedback. With the help of the tool, the individual receives constructive, multi-level feedback, which he is able to accept, and on the other hand, the organization obtains information about the expression of individual assessed competencies. Through the master's thesis, the implementation of 360-degree assessment in a Slovenian private company will be presented. With the help of the mentioned tool, we will try to detect poorer and better expressed competencies and, on the basis of the received information, set development plans for employees in a specific company. For the purpose of performing empirical work, standardized questionnaires have been prepared, which will assess pre-determined key competencies within the company in question. The master's thesis covers individuals in management positions, as well as employees in sales and purchase department. On the basis of the questionnaires, we confirmed or rejected the four theses.

Keywords:360-degree feedback, competency model, competency profile, competency, feedback.

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