
Opredelitev prostorskih značilnosti kvartarnega vodonosnika na območju Pomurja : magistrsko delo
ID Drofenik, Eva (Author), ID Brenčič, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obsega opredelitev hidrogeoloških prostorskih značilnosti na območju Pomurja s pomočjo programske opreme GIS. Opredelila sem gramoznice na območju vodonosnikov ter delež evaporacije z vodne površine, tam kjer izdanja podzemna voda. Izdelala sem karto debeline nezasičene plasti, karto nihanja gladine podzemne vode ter karto gramoznic. Izvedla sem izračune in statistične analize debeline nezasičene plasti ter geometrijskih značilnosti gramoznic. Rezultate sem predstavila v obliki kart, histogramov in statističnih izračunov. Izkazalo se je, da je kvartarni aluvialni vodonosnik na območju Pomurja heterogen in anizotropen, saj se pojavljata dva hidrodinamska tipa vodonosnikov, odprt vodonosnik na severozahodu obravnavanega območja ter polzaprt vodonosnik na jugovzhodu območja. Prehod med tema tipoma vodonosnikov je postopen, zato je opredeljen kot prehodno območje. Povezava med reko Muro ter podzemno vodo je dinamična, saj gre za intenzivno izmenjevanje površinske in podzemne vode, zato je območje ob Muri opredeljeno ločeno. Gramoznice segajo v vodonosnik in s tem predstavljajo neposredno interakcijo podzemne vode in površja ter stik z atmosfero. To pa predstavlja tveganje za onesnaženje za že tako ranljiv vodonosnik.

Keywords:Pomurje, vodonosnik, gramoznice, prostorske značilnosti, evaporacija, debelina nezasičene plasti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127570 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67156483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of spatial characteristics of Quaternary aquifer in Pomurje : master's thesis
The master's thesis deals with hydrogeological spatial characteristics in the area of Pomurje using the GIS software. I have identified gravel pits in the aquifer and the proportion of evaporation from the water surface where groundwater is present. I have prepared a map of the thickness of the unsaturated layer, a map of groundwater level fluctuations and a map of gravel pits. I performed calculations and statistical analysis of the thickness of the unsaturated layer and the geometric characteristics of the gravel pits. I presented the results in the form of maps, histograms and statistical calculations. The Quaternary alluvial aquifer in the Pomurje area proved to be heterogeneous and anisotropic, as two hydrodynamic types of aquifers occur, an open aquifer in the northwest of the area and an impermeable aquifer in the southeast of the area. The transition between these two aquifer types is gradual, therefore it is defined as a transitional area. The connection between the Mura River and groundwater is active, as it is an intensive exchange of surface and groundwater, therefore the area is defined separately along the Mura River. Gravel pits are located at the top of the aquifer and therefore represent a direct interaction between groundwater and surface and contact with the atmosphere. This in turn poses a pollution risk to an already sensitive aquifer.

Keywords:Pomurje, aquifer, gravel pits, spatial characteristics, evaporation, thickness of an unsaturated layer

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