
Vpliv kinematike perila v bobnu sušilnih strojev na učinkovitost procesa sušenja
ID Gatarić, Pero (Author), ID Hočevar, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V doktorskem delu so raziskani vplivi parametrov zraka na vstopu v boben na proces sušenja v sušilnem stroju z odprtim pretočnim sistemom. Izdelani so bili regresijski modeli za izračun specifičnega časa sušenja, hitrosti uparjanja vlage in produkta snovske prestopnosti in površine perila. Večji pretok, višja temperatura ter manjša relativna vlažnost sušilnega zraka povečajo masni tok vlage iz perila, kar skrajša specifični čas sušenja. Sušilni stroj s toplotno črpalko z zaprtim pretočnim sistemom je bil ovrednoten z vidika rabe električne energije in časa sušenja v odvisnosti od hitrosti ventilatorja, hitrosti bobna, mase perila in mase hladiva. Povečanje hitrosti bobna, mase perila in hladiva ima pozitiven vpliv na specifično rabo električne energije in čas sušenja. Vpliv kinematike perila na učinkovitost sušilnega stroja s toplotno črpalko je bil raziskan v odvisnosti od mase perila, hitrosti bobna in faze sušenja, ki je določena z relativno maso kondenzata. Kinematika perila je bila posneta s hitro kamero in ovrednotena z vizualizacijsko metodo. Homogena porazdelitev perila in zmanjšanje vozlanja oziroma lokalnega kopičenja perila poveča površino perila v stiku s sušilnim zrakom, kar izboljša prenos vlage iz perila, učinkovitost in kakovost sušenja.

Keywords:sušilni stroji s toplotno črpalko, prenos toplote in snovi, konvektivno sušenje perila, kinematika perila, vizualizacija, energijska učinkovitost, čas sušenja, enakomernost sušenja, regresijska analiza
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Gatarić]
Number of pages:XXVI, 113 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67777539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2021
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Title:Influence of clothes kinematics in the clothes dryer drum on drying performance
This work investigates the influence of drum inlet air parameters on a drying process in an open-cycle tumble dryer. Regression models were developed to determine the specific drying time, moisture evaporation rate and area-mass transfer coefficient. A higher volume flow rate and temperature and a lower relative humidity of the drying air increase the moisture evaporation rate, which decreases the specific drying time. A closed-cycle heat pump dryer was evaluated for energy consumption and drying time as a function of fan speed, drum speed, load mass, and refrigerant mass. An increase in drum speed, load mass and refrigerant mass has a positive effect on specific energy consumption and specific drying time. Furthermore, clothes kinematics and its effect on the heat pump dryer performance were examined in relation to the load mass, drum speed and drying stage, defined by a relative condensate mass. Clothes kinematics in the drum was recorded using a high-speed camera and evaluated by visualization method. Homogenous clothes distribution and reduction of tangling or local accumulation of clothes increase the contact area between the clothes and the drying air, which improves the moisture evaporation rate, drying efficiency and drying quality.

Keywords:heat pump tumble dryers, heat and mass transfer, convective textile drying, clothes kinematics, visualization, energy efficiency, drying time, evenness of drying, regression analysis

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