
Psihofiziološki odzivi na vizualizacijo z umirjeno glasbo : magistrsko delo
ID Vižintin, Alja (Author), ID Masten, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dopolnile alternativne metode pri zdravljenju različnih medicinskih fenomenov in drugih konvencionalnih postopkih postajajo vse bolj zanimive, saj številne študije poročajo o njihovih pozitivnih učinkih. Vizualizacija, ki jo lahko opredelimo kot mentalno oblikovanje senzornih izkušenj brez dejanskih dražljajev, se je v mnogih študijah izkazala kot učinkovita dopolnilna metoda na različnih medicinskih področjih. Namen naše pilotske raziskave je ugotoviti, ali vizualizacija pozitivnih čustev zviša izločanje oksitocina, zniža izločanje kortizola, izboljša afektivna razpoloženjska stanja (depresivnost, stres, anksioznost, subjektivno psihično blagostanje) in zviša variabilnost srčne frekvence. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 27 zdravih posameznikov, ki smo jih razdelili v dve eksperimentalni skupini. Prva eksperimentalna skupina je štiri tedne izvajala vizualizacijo pozitivnih čustev, druga pa je štiri tedne izvajala progresivno mišično sproščanje. Za ugotavljanje učinka vizualizacije smo uporabili t-test za dva odvisna vzorca in Wilcoxonov test, za primerjanje učinka med eksperimentalnima skupinama pa smo uporabili t-test za dva neodvisna vzorca in Mann-Whitneyev U test. Učinki vizualizacije so se v povprečnih vrednostih pokazali v smeri, ki smo jo pričakovali, vendar pa učinki niso statistično pomembni, razen variabilnost srčne frekvence, merjena s SDNN, ki je po 4-tedenskem izvajanju vizualizacije pomembno višja. Ugotovili smo, da med skupinama ne prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik v učinku pri nobeni opazovani spremenljivki. Ugotovitve raziskave bi lahko služile morebitnemu razvoju modela postinfarktnega zdravljenja z oksitocinom.

Keywords:vizualizacija, oksitocin, kortizol, variabilnost srčne frekvence, duševno zdravje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Vižintin]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127530 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71261955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Psychophysiological effects of guided imagery with calm music
Complementary and alternative healthcare are becoming increasingly interesting for the treatment of various medical phenomena and other conventional procedures. There are many studies that provide the evidence of their positive effect. Visualization, which can be defined as the mental formation of sensory experiences without actual stimuli, has been proven to be an effective complementary method in many medical fields. The purpose of our pilot study was to determine whether visualization of positive emotions increases the secretion of oxytocin and if it decreases the secretion of cortisol. Furthermore, we studied if it improves affective mood states (depression, stress, anxiety, subjective well-being) and if it increases heart rate variability. 27 healthy individuals were included in the study. Participants were divided into two experimental groups. The first experimental group performed visualization of positive emotions for four weeks, and the second experimental group performed progressive muscle relaxation for four weeks. We used the dependent sample t-test and the Wilcoxon test to determine the effect of visualisation. More specifically, we used two dependent samples. The t-test for two independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the effect between the experimental groups. The average effects of visualization moved in the expected direction, but they were not statistically significant except for the heart rate variability measured by SDNN, which was significantly higher after 4 weeks of visualization. There were no statistically significant differences in effect between the groups for any of the observed variables. The findings of the study could serve as the basis for the development of a model of postinfarct treatment with oxytocin.

Keywords:guided imagery, oxytocin, cortisol, heart rate variability, mental health

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