
Odraščanje v sodobnem romanu: problematika raziskovanja pripovednih čustev in empatije : problematika raziskovanja pripovednih čustev in empatije
ID Žunič, Nika (Author), ID Zupan Sosič, Alojzija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobne romane Otroštvo, Jaz sam, Opraviti z Eddyjem in Telo, v katerem sem se rodila sem raziskala z analizo pripovedne empatije, spodbujene s čustvi, razvijajočimi se tekom branja, t. i. pripovednimi čustvi. Področje pripovedne empatije je v literarni vedi dokaj novo in se poleg pripovednih čustev povezuje tudi z etiko. Mnenja se razhajajo pri vprašanju, ali ima lahko empatija v bralnem procesu tolikšno težo, da vpliva na resnično življenje bralcev. Tovrstne študije so daljnosežne in zvečine nedoločljive, zato je moje raziskovanje ožje usmerjeno na tezo, da razvoj čustev ob branju spodbudi pripovedno empatijo, ki je lahko orodje za prikazovanje resnične problematike in hkrati tudi način, na katerega je ta bralcu približana prav zaradi čustvenih opisov. Opiram se torej na vlogo etike znotraj literature in v izbranih romanih izpostavljam odlomke moralno spornih situacij, ob katerih je čustvena intenziteta najvišja, saj menim, da negativna čustva bralca pretresejo in spodbujajo kritično refleksijo, medtem ko imajo pozitivna čustva vlogo pomiritve po negativni čustveni simulaciji in so komplementarna negativnim. Analiziram pripovedne tehnike, ki jih prepoznavam kot možne spodbujevalce pripovednih čustev in empatije. Na pripovedni ravni upoštevam avtobiografskost romana, zgolj nakazano ali potrjeno; pripovedovalca-otroka, pripovedovalca-odraslega ali preplet obeh; fokalizacijo in posredovanje govora; na zgodbeni ravni pa analiziram konkretno izpeljavo naštetih elementov pripovedi ob tematiki odraščanja, ki jih v kontekstu raziskovanja imenujem pripovedne tehnike.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, francoska književnost, mehiška književnost, sodobni roman, literatura in etika, pripovedna tehnika, avtobiografskost, odraščanje, čustva, vživljanje, pripovedna empatija, Miha Mazzini, Otroštvo, Sarival Sosič, Jaz sam, Édouard Louis, Opraviti z Eddyjem, Guadalupe Nettel, Telo, v katerem sem se rodila
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Žunič]
Number of pages:92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127395 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:91478019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Growing up in the contemporary novel: the issue of exploring narrative empathy and emotions : magistrsko delo
Contemporary novels Otroštvo (ang. ‘Childhood’), Jaz sam (ang. ‘Myself alone’), The end of Eddy and The body where I was born were explored by analyzing narrative empathy fueled by emotions evolving during reading, so called narrative emotions. The field of narrative empathy is relatively new in literary science and, in addition to narrative emotions, is also associated with ethics. Opinions differ on the question of whether empathy can carry so much weight in the reading process as to affect readers ’real lives. Such studies are far-reaching and mostly indefinable, so my research is more focused on the thesis that the development of emotions when reading stimulates narrative empathy, which can be a tool for presenting real issues and at the same time the way it is brought closer to the reader because of emotional descriptions. I therefore rely on the role of ethics within literature and in selected novels highlight excerpts from morally contentious situations where emotional intensity is highest, as I believe that negative emotions shake the reader and encourage critical reflection, while positive emotions play a calming role after negative emotional simulation and are complementary to the negative. I analyze narrative techniques that I identify as possible stimulators of narrative emotions and empathy. At the narrative level, I consider the autobiographical nature of the novel, merely hinted at or confirmed; the narrator-child, the narrator-adult, or an intertwining of the two; focalization and speech representation; at the story level, I analyze the concrete derivation of the listed elements of the narrative on the topic of growing up, which I call narrative techniques in the context of research.

Keywords:Slovenian literature, French literature, Mexican literature, contemporary novel, literature and ethics, narrative technique, autobiography, growing up, emotions, empathy, narrative empathy, Miha Mazzini, Otroštvo, Sarival Sosič, Jaz sam, Édouard Louis, Opraviti z Eddyjem, Guadalupe Nettel, Telo, v katerem sem se rodila

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