Disappointment, distress and frustration among young people before their first job are really high. Especially nowadays in a time that is changing so fast and the market is changing even faster. Therefore, it is not surprising that our skills seem very interchangeable in the market itself replaceable. For young people, first employment is not important just from the economic aspect, but also for sociological and psychological one. Individual is placed in a new responsible role. The current way of life changes due to the responsibility it acquires with the first job. It becomes his new priority for further life. Lifestyle and routines change after graduation. During my dissertation I want to present distress among young people. On the other hand, I want to research how to draw attention to ourselves in such a competitive market. With the help of a survey, especially interviews I conducted with young jobseekers - some have already gotten a job and some are still looking for one. I will try to show the aspect of young people and their difficult situation. It also makes sense to ask how many people work in the profession for which they were trained or even operate in an area where they are helpful and satisfied.