
Stališča pedagoških delavk_cev do obravnavanja vsebin duševnega zdravja pri pouku v srednjih šolah : magistrsko delo
ID Kopinič, Alja (Author), ID Roškar, Saška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podlesek, Anja (Comentor)

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Šola predstavlja pomembno okolje za promocijo duševnega zdravja in preventivo duševnih motenj ter samomorilnosti, saj predstavlja prostor, kjer lahko dosežemo večino mladih. Zato je bil namen raziskave ugotoviti, kakšna stališča imajo profesorice_ji do vključevanja tematik duševnega zdravja v svoje delo in kako kompetentne_i se počutijo za to nalogo. Zanimalo me je tudi, pri katerih vsebinah svojih predmetov vidijo možnost za vključevanje tematik duševnega zdravja ter kateri dejavniki jih pri tem spodbujajo in zavirajo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 146 profesoric_jev različnih predmetov, ki so izpolnile_i spletni vprašalnik, ki sem ga oblikovala. Profesorice_ji so menile_i, da bi morale biti tematike duševnega zdravja vključene v šolski prostor, in so jih bile_i pripravljene_i vključevati v svoje delo. Počutile_i so se zmerno kompetentne_i za naslavljanje tematik duševnega zdravja. Učni načrt jim je pri tem predstavljal tako spodbudo kot zavoro. Kot glavno oviro, ki preprečuje pogostejše vključevanje tematik duševnega zdravja v njihovo delo, so navajale_i pomanjkanje znanja. Smiselno bi bilo tematike duševnega zdravja vključiti v študijske programe bodočih profesoric_jev in organizirati dodatna izobraževanja za poglabljanje znanja. Profesorice_ji so izrazile_i tudi željo po sodelovanju s strokovnjaki_njami s področja duševnega zdravja in potrebo po oblikovanih gradivih, ki bi jih lahko vključile_i v svoje delo.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, stališča, pismenost o duševnem zdravju, srednješolske_i učitelji_ce, učni načrt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kopiničg
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127247 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67048451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:High school teacher's attitudes towards discussing mental health topics in class
School is an important environment for the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental health disorders and suicidality, as it represents a place where we can reach the majority of young people. The aim of this study was to investigate the high school teachers' attitudes towards integrating mental health topics into their work and how competent they feel for this task. I examined which contents of different subjects offer the possibility for the inclusion of mental health topics and which are perceived facilitators and barriers to including those topics into their work. The study involved 146 professors of various subjects who filled out the online questionnaire I had designed. Professors felt that mental health topics should be included in the curriculum and were willing to include them in their work. They felt moderately competent to address the topics of mental health. The curriculum was perceived as both a facilitator and a barrier. The main barrier preventing more frequent integration of mental health topics into the work of professors was the lack of knowledge. It would make sense to include mental health topics in the study programmes of future professors and to organise additional training for improving their knowledge. Teachers also expressed a desire to work with mental health professionals and the need for materials that could be incorporated into their work.

Keywords:mental health, attitudes, mental health literacy, high school teachers, curriculum

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