
Video program športne vadbe za predšolske otroke : magistrsko delo
ID Glinšek, Patricija (Author), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šuštaršič, Ana (Comentor)

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Namen dela je predstaviti video program športne vadbe za predšolske otroke in tako pomagati staršem pri spodbujanju otrok k telesni dejavnosti ter hkratnem vsestranskem gibalnem razvoju v njihovem domačem okolju (v času epidemije). V pomoč pri novih idejah pa je lahko tudi vzgojiteljicam ali športnim delavcem v vrtcih in društvih. Magistrsko delo je monografskega tipa. V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo s teoretičnega vidika obravnavali pomembnost primernega gibalnega razvoja otrok, predstavili smo vlogo staršev pri telesni dejavnosti njihovih otrok ter pomen gibanja predšolskega otroka za njegov celostni razvoj, zdravje in vpliv na kasnejša življenjska obdobja. V drugem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili 10 primerov športnih vadb za predšolske otroke, ki preko igre pripomorejo k razvoju gibalnih sposobnosti in spretnosti. Vsaka vadbena enota je sestavljena iz pripravljalnega (tekalna igra in gimnastične vaje za ogrevanje), glavnega (športni izziv) in sklepnega dela ter primerna za izvedbo v domačem okolju. V vsaki vadbeni enoti je izpostavljena ena gibalna sposobnost ali ena izmed naravnih oblik gibanja. Tretji del magistrskega dela predstavlja didaktični film, v katerem smo predstavili 10 vodenih športnih vadb za otroke. Vsaka vadbena enota traja približno 30 minut, otrok pa jo lahko spremlja preko ene izmed multimedijskih naprav in zraven telovadi, ob morebitnem nadzoru ali pomoči staršev oziroma skrbnikov. Izdelali smo tudi tri kratke didaktične filme za starše, v katerih smo na kratko povzeli različne športne izzive, ki jih bodo potem lahko samostojno izvajali s svojim otrokom.

Keywords:predšolski otroci, športna vadba, video program, gibanje, vadba doma
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127126 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74313475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Video program of physical activities for preschool children
The purpose of this work was to present a video program of physical activities for preschool children and thus help parents encourage children’s physical activity and help with a rounded motor development in their home environment (during the epidemic). The program with its ideas can also be helpful to kindergarten teachers and sports workers in kindergartens and sports clubs. The master thesis is of the monographic type. In the first part of the thesis, we discussed from a theoretical point of view the importance of appropriate motor development of children, the parental influence on young children’s physical activity and the importance of preschool children’s exercise for their overall development, health and later life. In the second part of the thesis, we presented 10 examples of physical activities for preschool children, which help develop motor skills through play. Each exercise unit is suitable for the home environment and consists of a warm-up (a running game and warm up exercises), a main activity (sports challenge) and the conclusion. In each exercise unit, one motor ability or one of the gross motor skills is emphasized. The third part of the master thesis consist of a didactic movie in which we presented 10 guided physical activities for children. Each exercise unit lasts about 30 minutes, the child can watch it through one of the multimedia devices and exercises along with the supervision or help of their parents or guardians if needed. We also created three short didactic movies for parents, where we briefly summarized the various sports challenges, which they will be able to perform independently with their child.

Keywords:preschool children, physical activity, video program, exercise, home workout

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