
3D tisk sistema za zapenjanje oblačil na tkanine
ID Sever, Tina (Author), ID Bizjak, Matejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muck, Deja (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali aplikacijo sistema za zapenjanje oblačil s 3D tiskalnikom neposredno na tekstilne materiale. V teoretičnem delu so opisane osnove 3D tiska, tehnologija modeliranja s spajanjem slojev, FDM (angl. Fused Deposition Modeling) tehnologija ter uporaba le-teh na tekstilnih površinah. Najprej smo v računalniškem programu Blender modelirali 3D sistem za zapenjanje oblačil in tekstilij. Sledil je 3D tisk modelov na tri različne tekstilne materiale (bombaž, poliestrsko mrežo in apretiran material, ki je namenjen izdelavi vetrovk). Tiskali smo na 3D tiskalniku WANHAO Duplicator 4S s FDM tehnologijo tiskanja. Prototipe pritiskačev smo natisnili z dvema različnima termoplastičnima filamentoma. Prvi 3D filament, ki smo ga uporabili, je bil termoplastični filament polimlečne kisline (PLA), drugi pa termoplastični filament akrilo-nitril butadien stiren (ABS). Sistem za zapenjanje smo tiskali neposredno na tekstilni material na dva načina. Prvi način, ki smo ga uporabili, je bil neposreden tisk na tekstilni material, drugi pa tisk v sendvič strukturi. Tisk v sendvič strukturi pomeni, da smo med tiskanjem pritiskača vmes vpeli tekstilni material. Tako se je spodnji del najprej natisnil na mizico tiskalnika, zgornji del pa neposredno na tekstilijo. Rezultate natisnjenih pritiskačev smo med seboj primerjali. Tisk je bil uspešen le na poliestrni mreži s termoplastičnim materialom PLA. Toda tudi ta kombinacija tiska ni bila dovolj dobra. Na koncu smo s pomočjo opravljenih poskusov 3D tiska pritiskača direktno na tekstilne materiale dokazali, da klasičnih pritiskačev še nekaj časa ne bodo zamenjali 3D tiskani sistemi zapenjanja.

Keywords:3D tisk, tekstilije, 3D modeliranje, termoplastični filament PLA, termoplastični filament ABS, sistem za zapenjanje oblačil oziroma pritiskač
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127072 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2021
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Title:3D printing of fastening system for apparel onto the woven fabric
In this bachelor thesis, we have studied the application of the system for fastening clothes directly to textile materials using a 3D printer. The theoretical part describes the basics of 3D printing and layer-by-layer modeling technology FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) and its application to textile surfaces. The aim of this research work is to develop an absolutely usable garment fastening system. The first step of our work was in a computer program Blender, 3D modeling of a clothing fastening system. First we modeled in a computer program Blender, 3D system for fastening clothes and textiles. Then we 3D printed the models on three different textile materials (cotton, polyester mesh, and a finished material intended for making windbreakers). We printed on a WANHAO Duplicator 4S 3D printer using FDM printing technology. The prototype pushers were printed using two different thermoplastic filaments. The first 3D filament we used was the polylactic acid (PLA) thermoplastic filament. The second was the acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) thermoplastic filament. The fastening system was printed directly onto the textile material in two ways. The first method was printing directly on the textile material and the second was printing in a sandwich structure. Printing in sandwich structure means that when we printed the pusher, we put textile material in between when printing the slider. The lower part was printed first on the printing table and the upper part was printed directly on the textile material. The results of the printed presses were compared. The printing was successful only on the polyester mesh with PLA thermoplastic material. But even this combination of printing was not good enough. In the end, with the help of experiments on 3D printing of the press directly on textile materials, we proved that the classic press will not be replaced by 3D printed fastening systems for some time.

Keywords:3D printing, textiles, 3D modeling, thermoplastic filament PLA, thermoplastic filament ABS, clothing fastening system or pusher

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