In my master's thesis I will describe the practical and theoretical research of the photographic
medium. The drawn line represents my primary field of creative endeavour for the last few years.
Through rereading of history and prehistory of photography I will try to reinterpret photographic
image. I want to highlight some parallels between protophotographic endeavours and my work
with the photographic medium, which takes up the direct recording of optical phenomena
(prismatic colours) on color photographic film.
The main guideline of interest is the research of the basic properties of white light, more
precisely the prismatic refraction of light. I will highlight a historical moment that coincided with
the time of the invention of photography, and at the same time represented the expansion of
human consciousness in the fields of philosophy, science and art. As we shall see, interest in the
dynamics of light and darkness intertwined between these areas. The main idea of the theoretical
work is that photography arose at a specific historical moment, which through this expansion of
human consciousness established the conditions for a space in which photographic thinking
could be placed.