
Univerzalnost oborožitvenih sistemov posameznika : diplomsko delo
ID Pleh, Matjaž (Author), ID Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šlebir, Miha (Comentor)

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Orožje se je v zgodovini nenehno moderniziralo in prilagajalo za delovanja v tedanjih konfliktih. Namen tega diplomskega dela je preučiti univerzalnost oborožitvenih sistemov posameznika v sodobnih konfliktih. Najprej sem predstavil značilnosti sodobnih konfliktov in nato preučil oborožitvene sisteme posameznika, kako so se le-ti razvijali, ali se razvijajo s poudarkom na njihovi univerzalizaciji, torej v smeri vsestranskega delovanja, ter kaj lahko pričakujemo v prihodnosti. V teh poglavjih je vključen tudi opis sodobnih primerkov, ki temelji na nekaterih izbranih tehničnih in taktičnih značilnostih. Nato preidem na opis orožja, ki je v uporabi v Slovenski vojski; le-ta je izveden s pomočjo prej omenjenih tehničnih in taktičnih značilnostih, ki nam omogočajo kasnejšo primerjavo z drugim sodobnim orožjem, ter možnostjo delovanja v razmerah, ki jih ponujajo sodobni konflikti. S preučevanjem literature sem ugotovil, da se oborožitveni sistemi posameznika razvijajo v smeri njihove univerzalizacije, da orožje, ki je uporabljeno v Slovenski vojski popolnoma sledi sodobnim trendom in da je primerno za delovanje v razmerah, ki jih ponujajo sodobni konflikti. V diplomski nalogi sem izvedel sistematičen pregled literature, primerjalno metodo in končno podrobno analizo ugotovitev.

Keywords:univerzalnost, pehotni oborožitveni sistemi, oborožitveni sistemi posameznika, Slovenska vojska, sodobni konflikti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pleh]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126749 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:62469123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Universality of an Individual Weapons Systems
In history, weapons were constantly modernized and adapted to operate in the conflicts of the time. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to study the universality of the weapons system of the individual in modern conflicts. I first presented the characteristics of modern conflicts and then studied the weapons systems of the individual, how they have evolved, whether they have been evolving with an emphasis on their universalization, i.e., in the direction of all-round action, and what to expect in the future. These chapters also include a description of modern specimens based on some selected technical and tactical characteristics. I then turn to the description of weapons used in the Slovenian Army. The description is made utilizing the previously mentioned technical and tactical characteristic which allow us a subsequent comparison with other modern weapons and the possibility of operating in the conditions offered by modern conflicts. By studying the literature, I found that the individual weapons systems evolve in the direction of their universalization, that the weapons used in the Slovenian Army follow modern trends fully, and that they are suitable for operation in conditions offered by modern conflicts. In the bachelor’s thesis, I performed a systematic review of the literature, the comparative method, and the final detailed analysis of the ascertainments.

Keywords:universality, infantry weapon systems, individual weapon systems, the Slovenian Army, modern conflict

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