
Vrednotenje v reklami in antireklami : primer alkoholnih in tobačnih izdelkov
ID Starc, Sonja (Author)

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Razprava predstavlja vrednotenje v reklami in antireklami za alkoholne in tobačne izdelke ter poskuša razumeti (tudi ob vzorcu vrednotenja 103 študentov), katere domene in ravni vrednotenja so izražene v primerih pozitivnega in negativnega ocenjevanja izdelka. Analiza se torej osredotoča na medosebno metafunkcijo (Halliday, Matthiessen 2004; Kress, van Leeuwen 2004), in sicer na vrednotenje, kot se kaže z vidika teorije vrednotenja (Martin, White 2007), v fazah besedilnih vzorcev problem - rešitev ter ustvarjanje in zagotavljanje potreb/želja (Hoey 2001).

Keywords:teorija vrednotenja, domena drža, pozitivno/negativno vrednotenje, reklama, antireklama
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 67-78
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126419 This link opens in a new window
DOI:10.4312/Obdobja.39.67-78 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38078211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2021
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenščina - diskurzi, zvrsti in jeziki med identiteto in funkcijo
Editors:Jerica Vogel
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:33858563 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:39
Collection ISSN:1408-211X

Secondary language

The article discusses evaluation in adverts and anti-adverts for alcohol and tobacco, and tries to understand (including a sample of 103 students) which domains and levels of evaluation are expressed in cases of positive and negative evaluation of the same kind of product. The analysis focuses on the interpersonal metafunction (Halliday, Matthiessen 2004; Kress, van Leeuwen 2004), specifically on evaluation discussed in the light of appraisal theory (Martin, White 2007) in the phases of the text patterns Problem-Solution and the Desire Arousal-Fulfilment pattern of the related examples.

Keywords:appraisal theory, domain attitude, positive/negative evaluation, advert, anti-advert

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