
Produkcijski izzivi izdelave vojno zgodovinskega filma
ID Poropatič, Matic (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Produkcijski izzivi snemanja vojno zgodovinskega filma navaja in opisuje pogoste težave, ki se lahko pojavijo pri ustvarjanju filmov iz vojnega in zgodovinskega žanra. Skozi opisovanje postopkov izdelave filma iz tega žanra je na praktičnih primerih prikazano, kako se proces filmske produkcije dodatno oteži zaradi elementov, ki so specifični tema dvema žanroma. Vojni film ima kot zelo specifičen in prepoznaven tip filma obilico vsebinskih dodatkov, ki ga ločijo od ostalih zvrsti in pogosto dopolnjuje ali gradi svojo strukturo s pomočjo vizualno atraktivnih elementov. Podobno specifičen je tudi zgodovinski film, ki ima za svojo glavno značilnost, da se vsebinsko odvija v preteklem času in pričakovanja gledalcev za vizualni presežek so lahko še večja kot pri vojnem filmu. Za najboljši prikaz zahtevnosti izzivov je bilo potrebno najprej na pregleden način opisati postopke filmske produkcije s poudarkom na fazah, ki bodo najbolj na udaru od izdelavi filma iz teh žanrov. Pri eksperimentalnem delu pa je bila izvedena celotna produkcija vojno zgodovinskega filma, da so se lahko zabeležile vse težave in edinstveni izzivi, ki so specifični za vojni in zgodovinski žanr filma. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da snemanje filma iz vojno zgodovinskega žanra predstavlja precej večji izvedbeni izziv, kot če bi bil podoben filmski projekt postavljen v okvirje drugačnega žanra. Med ugotovitvami se je izkazala nuja po obsežnem načrtovanju zaradi zahtevnosti izvedbenih faz ter tudi zaradi specifik pri prikazovanju zgodovinske avtentičnosti v zgodbi. To velja predvsem pri pisanju zgodbe v pred produkcijski fazi ter pri zagotavljanju kostumov, rekvizitov, lokacij in množico drugih zgodovinsko avtentičnih detajlov v produkcijski fazi. Slednje smo reševali s povezovanjem z društvi, ki se ukvarjajo s zgodovinskimi uprizoritvami, ter preko njih reševali problematiko zgodovinske avtentičnosti. Dejavniki, kot so množične scene in uporaba pirotehnike, pa so povečevali zahtevnost izvedbe v produkcijski fazi z vidika prikazovanja vojnih prizorov v zgodbi. Tega smo se lotili predvsem s podrobnim načrtovanjem v čim večjem detajlu. Večkrat je nastala tudi situacija, ko je prišlo do združitve vseh najzahtevnejših elementov izvedbe zgodovinskega ter vojnega filma pri snemanju enega sklopa, kar je povečalo in zapletlo produkcijski proces.

Keywords:film, filmska produkcija, vojni film, zgodovinski film, igrani film, druga svetovna vojna, montiranje filma, post produkcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126340 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Production challenges with creating wartime history movie
The master's thesis entitled Production Challenges of Filming a War History Film lists and describes the common difficulties that can arise in making films from the war and history genre. Through the description of the processes of making a film from this genre, practical examples show how the process of film production is further complicated due to elements that are specific to these two genres. War film, as a very specific and recognizable type of film, has an abundance of content that sets it apart from other genres and often complements or builds its structure with the help of visually attractive elements. Similarly specific are historical films, which have as their main feature that they take place in the past and viewers' expectations for a unique visual presentation can be even higher than in a war film. To best illustrate the complexity of these challenges, it was first necessary to describe film production processes of with an emphasis on the stages that will be most affected by the production of a film from these genres. In the experimental portion however, a complete historical war movie was made, so that all the problems and unique challenges specific to the war and historical genre of the film could be noted. It has been found that making a film from a war-historical genre poses a much greater production challenge than a film from a different genre would. Among the findings is the need for extensive planning due to the complexity of the implementation phases and due to the need for historical accuracy in the story. This becomes important when writing a story in the pre-production phase and providing costumes, props, locations, and a host of other historically authentic details in the production phase. We solved the latter by co-operating with association that deal with historical performances, and through them, we solved the problem of historical authenticity. Factors such as mass scenes and the use of pyrotechnics, also presented a major factor in increasing the complexity of the overall production. This was in regards to depicting war scenes in the story. We tackled this mainly with a great deal of planning in as much detail as possible. There were also several situation when all the most demanding elements of a historical and war film combined in a single scene, which increased and complicated the production process.

Keywords:film, film production, war film, historical film, movie, Second World War, film editing, postproduction

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