
Papirji iz Valvasorjeve grafične zbirke zagrebške nadškofije
ID Dragojević, Andreja (Author), ID Vodopivec Tomažič, Jedert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lozo, Branka (Comentor), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Comentor)

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Description: Microsoft Access database of Valvasor's collection containing bibliographic data and data on each individual sheet of paper by its dimensions, thickness, pH, optical properties of brightness, yellowness, opacity, and gloss, watermark description and its dimensions, position and imprint of the paper mold, paper mill and papermaker in case there is data regarding them.

V okviru disertacije obravnavana Valvasorjeva knjizˇnica se je izkazala kot dober reprezentativni vzorec za nedestruktivne raziskave papirja iz 17. stoletja. Nedestruktivne analize so bile opravljene na 144 listih papirjev iz Valvasorjeve zbirke. Za boljsˇe razumevanje lastnosti zgodovinskega papirja so bile na 10-ih fragmentih papirja, iz obdobja od 16. do 19. stoletja, izvedene tudi destruktivne analize. Delo je razdeljeno na dva velika sklopa, teoreticˇni in eksperimentalni del. V teoreticˇnem delu je predstavljen zˇivljenjepis barona Ivana Waikharda Valvasorja, njegova zˇivljenjski pot, zbirateljska strast do knjig in grafik ter njegovo delo na podrocˇju tiska in zalozˇnisˇtva. Skozi zgodovino Metropolitanske knjizˇnice v Zagrebu, kjer se sedaj hrani njegova knjizˇnica, je prikazana zgodovina Valvasorjeve knjizˇnice po njegovi smrti. V posebnih poglavjih sta predstavljena zgodovinski razvoj tehnologije izdelave papirja in pregled literature s podrocˇja znanstvenega raziskovanja zgodovinskega papirja. V teoreticˇnem delu je zadnje poglavje namenjeno opisu podatkovnih baz muzejev in galerij, ki hranijo umetnine na papirju, in tehnicˇnih podatkovnih baz, ki se ukvarjajo z zbiranjem podatkov o papirju. V eksperimentalnem delu so predstavljeni materiali, na katerih so bile opravljene nedestruktivne in destruktivne analize, ter naprave, s katerimi so bile izvedene analize. Med nedestruktivnimi metodami so bile na zgodovinskih papirjih izvedene meritve debeline, pH papirja ter opticˇnih lastnosti (svetlost, rumenost, opaciteta in sijaj). Na papirjih iz Valvasorjeve zbirke so bile določene dimenzije listov, odtis sita in prisotnost ter položaj vodnega zˇiga, kar je omogočilo dolocˇiti izvor in surovi format listov. Ugotovili smo, da listi papirja v raziskanih Valvasorjevih knjigah izvirajo iz dveh formatov sita, manjsˇega in vecˇjega, čemur so bili prilagojeni formati knjig. Vecˇina vodnih zˇigov, najdenih na papirjih, je v znamenju grba, en znak pa se najpogosteje pojavlja v izdajah, ki jih je Valvasor natisnil na svojem posestvu v Bogensˇperku. Mikroskopske analize so razkrile prisotnost vlaken, ki so se uporabljala v takratni tehnologiji proizvodnje papirja. Rezultati merjenja debeline in pH papirja iz 17. stoletja so pokazali, da so debelejši in bolj kisli v primerjavi z danasˇnjimi. Na podlagi meritev opticˇnih lastnosti jih lahko razvrstimo med rumenkaste, neprosojne papirje brez sijaja. S pomočjo destruktivnih analiz izvedenih na fragmentih zgodovinskih papirjev se je lahko natančneje določila sestava in lastnosti papirjev. Izvedeni so bili testi obarvanja z reagenti za dolocˇitev vpojnosti, prisotnosti lignina in sˇkroba. S pomočjo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije z energijsko disperzijskim spektrometrom (SEM-EDS) in rentgenske fluorescenčne spektrometrije (XRF) je bila izvedena identifikacija anorganskih elementov, s Fourierjevo transformacijsko infrardečo spektroskopijo (FTIR) pa identifikacija kemijske sestave v organskih spojinah celuloznih vlaken, polnil in premaza. Mikroskopske analize so bile izvedene na dva nacˇina, povrsˇina papirja je bila posneta z digitalnim mikroskopom, morfolosˇka analiza vlaken pa je bila opravljena na opticˇnem mikroskopu. Prevladujejo vlakna lanu in konoplje, v majhnem deležu pa je prisoten še bombaž, svila in vlakna podobna slami. Potrjena je bila prisotnost polnil na osnovi kalcija in prisotnost želatine, medtem ko škrob kot mozˇna komponenta v papirju ni bil potrjen. S pomočjo destruktivnih analiz so bile tako določene različne komponente v fragmentih zgodovinskih papirjev, kar je potrdilo njihovo prisotnost v rocˇno izdelanem papirju v sˇtirih stoletjih. Opravljene analize papirjev so bile podalaga za izdelavo spletne podatkovne baze papirja iz Valvasorjeve zbirke VALPER, ki vsebuje bibliografske podatke in lastnosti papirja. Za vsak posamezni analizirani list papirja so podane njegove dimenzije, debelina, pH, opticˇne lastnosti (svetlost, rumenost, opaciteta, sijaj), opis vodnega zˇiga, njegove dimenzije in polozˇaj, odtis sita ter podatki o papirnem mlinu in izdelovalcu papirja.

Keywords:Valvasor, zgodovinski papir, baza podatkov, lastnosti papirja, vodni žig, nedestruktivne in destruktivne analize
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Archdiocese of Zagreb Valvasor's prints collection
Valvasor's library proved to be a good representative sample for non-destructive research of 17th-century paper. Non-destructive research and analysis were conducted on 144 sheets of paper from the Valvasor collection. To better understand the properties of historical paper on 10 paper fragments from the period from 16th to 19th centuries, destructive research has been conducted. This thesis is divided into two major sections, the theoretical and the experimental part. In the theoretical part, Valvasor's biography, life’s journey, his collector's passion for books and graphics, and his work on printing and publishing books were examined. The history of Valvasor's library after his death has been followed throughout the history of the Metropolitan Library in Zagreb, where his library is kept today. In special chapters, the historical development of the technology of making handmade paper and a review of the literature in the field of scientific research of historical paper are presented. In the theoretical part, a chapter is dedicated to the databases of museums and galleries that store works of art on paper and technical databases who work with collecting of data on paper. In the experimental part, the materials on which non-destructive and destructive analyses were performed are presented, as well as the devices with which the recording and measurements were done. Of the non-destructive measurement methods used on historical papers, measurements of paper thickness and pH as well as optical properties (brightness, yellowness, opacity and gloss) were performed. The dimensions of the sheets, the paper mold imprint, and the watermark were also measured on Valvasor's papers, which helped determine the provenance and raw format of the sheets. Thus, according to the dimensions of the sheets, the imprint of the mold, and the position of the watermark, it may be concluded that the paper sheets in the Valvasor books subject to this study originate from two paper mold formats, a smaller and a larger one, and that the book formats were adapted accordingly. Most of the watermarks found on the papers are in the form of the coat of arms and one watermark most often appears in editions printed by Valvasor on his estate in Bogenšperk. Microscopic analyses revealed specific fibers that were used in the paper production technology of the time. Optical properties characterized them as yellowish opaque papers without gloss. Destructive analyses of the fragments went deeper into the composition and properties of the paper. Initially, spot tests were performed to determine absorbency, an identify lignin and starch in paper samples. Of the elementary analyses, SEM-EDS and XRF analyses were performed for the identification of inorganic elements in the sample and FTIR analysis was performed to identify chemical composition in organic compounds of cellulose fibers, fillers, and coatings. Microscopic analyses were performed in two ways - the paper surface was imaged with a digital microscope and the morphological analysis of the fibers was conducted on an optical microscope. Components were discovered in fragments of historical papers by destructive analyses, thus confirming their presence in handmade paper over four centuries. Analyses confirmed certain components and did not confirm others, so starch was not confirmed as a possible component in the paper in any of the samples. Elemental analyses yielded a full range of elements in the samples. Part of the identified elements in XRF and SEM-EDS analyses were defined through the composition of the components in the paper. Analysis of paper fibers showed that the dominant fibers were flax and hemp with a smaller proportion of cotton. The dissertation is accompanied by a paper database of Valvasor's collection containing bibliographic data and data on each individual sheet of paper by its dimensions, thickness, pH, optical properties of brightness, yellowness, opacity, and gloss, watermark description and its dimensions, position and imprint of the paper mold, paper mill and papermaker in case there is data regarding them.

Keywords:Valvasor, historical paper, database, paper properties, watermark, non-destructive and destructive analyzes

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