
Ironija in sarkazem v britanski humoristični seriji Moja družina: Užalita ali zabavata?
ID Jančar, Peter (Avtor), ID Ilc, Gašper (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Magistrska naloga se ukvarja z definicijama ironije in sarkazma in njunim vplivom na medosebno interakcijo, in sicer se osredotoča na to, ali sogovorca užalita ali zabavata. Tovrsten vpliv na medosebno komunikacijo in posledično odnos rezultira predvsem iz posebne dvojnosti humorja, še posebej v primeru agresivnejših tipov le-tega, ki imajo večji potencial za povzročitev sporov, kot sta ironija in sarkazem. Analiza v empiričnem delu se osredotoča na komunikacijo med liki znotraj osme sezone britanske humoristične serije Moja družina, zato naloga izpostavlja ironijo in sarkazem kot značilni komponenti britanskega humorja in posledično britanskih humorističnih serij. Glede razlikovanja med ironijo in sarkazmom je treba poudariti, da je glede na teorijo, ki je uporabljena v nalogi, mejnik med tema dvema zelo podobnima vrstama humorja postavljen izključno na podlagi vrste tarče kritiziranja ali posmehovanja. V skladu s to teorijo je sarkazem vedno uperjen v osebo, ironija pa nikoli. Ravno osebna tarča sarkazma pa je načeloma tisto, kar mu daje večji potencial, da sogovorca užali, kar potrjuje tudi analiza primerov iz osme sezone serije, ki je uporabljena v empiričnemu delu naloge.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:ironija, sarkazem, užaliti, zabavati, britanska serija Moja družina
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126078 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.04.2021
Število ogledov:1231
Število prenosov:115
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Irony, and Sarcasm in the British Humorous Series My Family: Causing Offence, or Affording Amusement?
This thesis deals with the definitions of irony, and sarcasm, as well as with their influence on the interpersonal interaction, focusing on whether they offend, or amuse the addressee. Such influence on the interpersonal communication, and, consequently, their relationships, results especially from the double nature of humour, particularly in instances of more aggressive kinds of it, as irony, and sarcasm, since such types of humour have a greater potential for provoking conflicts. The analysis in the empirical part focuses on interaction amongst characters in the British humorous series My Family. As a result, the thesis exposes irony, and sarcasm as typical components of British humour, and, hence, British humorous series. Concerning the treatment of irony, and sarcasm in the thesis, it needs to be emphasised that, in lines with the theory adopted, the border line between these two very similar kinds of humour is solely based on the nature of the target of criticism, or mockery. It exposes that sarcasm is always directed at a person; whereas, irony never targets a human being. It is precisely the personal target of sarcasm that typically affords it a greater potential to offend the addressee, which is also supported by the results of the analysis of the eighth season of the series, used in the empirical part of the thesis.

Ključne besede:irony, sarcasm, offend, amuse, British series My Family

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