Cloud services represent a branch in computing that is becoming increasingly useful in our digitalized, modernized life. In the last few years, this type of technology has experienced a major boom in terms of development and its application. It certainly has had a significant impact on both our private lives as well as our job-related activities. The rapid and continuous development of the digital world makes it crucial for various companies to find optimal solutions for an up-to-date operation. It keeps them ahead of time and their competition. Many agree on the fact that working within the cloud is simpler and more efficient.
In the introduction of this bachelor thesis, the emphasis is on the definitions of cloud computing. Furthermore, we presented different types of cloud services and levels. The service's architecture also contributes to an even better understanding of the cloud, which is presented in the continuation of the thesis, together with the architectural concept before implementing the cloud. The question of the security of cloud services that still raises uncertainty and major concerns did not go by unnoticed. It is addressed in the following chapter and expanded to the security mechanisms themselves while presenting the best practices.
On the one hand, there is much literature to be found regarding the advantages of using cloud services. On the other hand, very few authors are stressing out the disadvantages. Furthermore, this thesis includes both advantages and disadvantages to offer a more holistic overview. This chapter is followed by a more psychological part, namely the user aspects of using cloud services. In that part, we covered the problems introducing changes in the workplaces and presented how we deal in presenting the new processes and the overall change to our employees.
In the second part of the thesis, we presented the Office 365 services currently being used in GEN-I. Many would agree that the Office 365 tool represents the future. Thus we decided to present a few keywords, increasingly useful tools, and added insight into the use at GEN-I. To conclude, we elaborated on describing the introduction of cloud services (Office 365) in the Customer Relations Department at GEN-I. The overview represents the situation before implementing cloud services, the system's overhaul, and the current situation.