
Kvantitativne metode ocenjevanja krajinske pestrosti in vpliv ekoloških dejavnikov na krajinsko pestrost Slovenije
ID Pečnik, Ana (Author), ID Golobič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kobal, Milan (Comentor)

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Krajinska pestrost je obsežen pojem, ki zajema tako raznolikost različnih tipov krajin, kot tudi prostorsko strukturiranost posamezne krajine in njenega krajinskega vzorca. Kljub temu da je krajinska pestrost pomemben pogoj tako biodiverzitete kot tudi stabilnosti ekosistema in je v slovenskem prostoru močno izražena, še nimamo celovitega pregleda in vrednotenja krajin z vidika krajinske pestrosti ali sistematične raziskave o dejavnikih, ki nanjo vplivajo. Temelje preučevanja krajinske pestrosti v Sloveniji je postavil Marušič s sodelavci. V tej študiji so pestrost krajine ocenjevali celostno in kvalitativno, namen naše raziskave pa je predstavitev kvantitativnega pristopa k ocenjevanju strukturne pestrosti kulturne krajine z uporabo metode plavajočega okna in linearnega modeliranja. Poleg ocene pestrosti smo se v magistrskem delu ukvarjali tudi s primerjavo krajinske pestrosti dveh časovnih obdobij in z vplivi ekoloških dejavnikov na pestrost slovenskih krajin. Glavni zaključki raziskave so, da se krajinska pestrost spreminja s spreminjanjem merila obravnave prostora oziroma je odvisna od referenčne enote, ter da sta kakovost krajine in krajinska pestrost dva različna vidika razumevanja prostora, ki ju ne smemo enačiti niti ne moremo trditi, da je bolj pestra krajina tudi bolj kakovostna.

Keywords:krajinska pestrost, kvantitativni pristop, vpliv ekoloških dejavnikov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125896 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.04.2021
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Title:Quantitative methods for landscape diversity assessment and impact of environmental factors on landscape diversity of Slovenia
Landscape diversity is a complex phenomenon that encompasses the multitude of landscape typologies, as well as the spatial structure of each individual landscape and its landscape patterns. While the idea that landscape diversity plays an important role in biodiversity and ecosystem stability and is strongly expressed in Slovenian territory is generally acknowledged, we do not yet have a comprehensive overview nor landscape assessment in terms of landscape diversity or systematic research of the environmental factors that affect it. Marušič and colleagues laid the foundations of Slovenian landscape diversity research. In their study, they have made a comprehensive and qualitatively based assessment of landscape diversity. The objective of our research was to present a quantitative approach to assessing the structural diversity of the cultural landscape, using the moving window method and linear modelling. In addition to the assessment of diversity, our other research goals were to compare landscape diversity from two different time periods and to analyse the impact of environmental factors on diversity of local landscapes. The main conclusions of the research are that landscape diversity changes with spatial scale, the perception of diversity depends on the reference unit and also that landscape quality and landscape diversity are two different aspects of understanding landscape, which should not be equated. As such, we cannot claim that landscape that is more diverse is also, of better quality.

Keywords:landscape diversity, quantitative approach, impact of environmental factors

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