
Vpliv umetniških programov osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na kulturni razvoj in orientacijo šolske populacije : doktorska disertacija
ID Golobič, Špela (Author), ID Misson, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Doktorska disertacija obravnava področje kulturne vzgoje na področju glasbene umetnosti in je vsebinsko razdeljena na osem poglavij s podpoglavji, v katerih so obravnavana teoretična izhodišča kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, umeščenost glasbe v slovenski izobraževalni sistem, izobraževalna dejavnost slovenskih in izbranih tujih glasbenih institucij ter vpliv osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na kulturni razvoj in orientacijo šolske populacije. Kulturna vzgoja ima pomembno vlogo pri izboljšanju kakovosti izobraževanja, dvigovanju ravni kulturne zavesti, spodbujanju ustvarjalnosti pri otrocih in mladih, razvijanju posameznikovih potencialov ter razvoju družbe kot celote. Številni nacionalni in mednarodni dokumenti in raziskave poudarjajo pomen kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje ter izpostavljajo potrebo po nadaljnjem sistematičnem razvoju področja. V Sloveniji imajo otroci in mladi številne možnosti glasbenega udejstvovanja v okviru kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, ki se odvija tako v osnovnih, glasbenih in nekaterih srednjih šolah kot tudi v kulturnih ustanovah. Pri glasbenem izobraževanju pa ima bistveno vlogo kompetenten učitelj, ki mora poleg načrtovanja pouka poznati tudi možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja in možnosti umeščanja glasbe v širši šolski prostor v okviru vzgojnega načrta šole, interesnih dejavnosti, izbirnih predmetov, kulturnih dnevov, ustvarjalnega preživljanja prostega časa, projektov in natečajev ter ob tem vedno znova vzpostavljati partnerske povezave z umetniškimi ustanovami in glasbeniki. Umetniški programi osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij zajemajo tudi številne programe, namenjene šolajoči populaciji, ki otrokom in mladim omogočajo stik z glasbeno umetnostjo ter skrbijo za vzgojo bodočih generacij poslušalcev. V prvi polovici 20. stoletja je imela vlogo osrednjega slovenskega glasbenega društva Glasbena matica, ki je z Orkestralnim društvom tudi prva začela prirejati komentirane koncerte za mlade poslušalce, v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja pa sta vlogo osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih društev prevzeli Glasbena mladina Slovenije in Glasbena mladina ljubljanska. Društvi še danes sistematično skrbita za koncertno ponudbo za mlade poslušalce, poleg tega velik del koncertne dejavnosti namenjata talentiranim mladim glasbenikom, ki na njunih koncertih dobivajo pomembne koncertne izkušnje. Dejavnost obravnavanih tujih simfoničnih orkestrov poleg koncertov za mlade poslušalce in mlade glasbenike zajema tudi izobraževalne programe, namenjene družinam, učiteljem in širši javnosti, orkestri pa se preko njih povezujejo z najširšim krogom poslušalcev. V raziskavo je zajetih pet slovenskih glasbenih ustanov, in sicer Orkester Slovenske filharmonije, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenije, Slovensko narodno gledališče Opera in balet Ljubljana, Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor in Cankarjev dom. Poleg tega so v raziskavo vključeni tuji simfonični orkestri, ki smo jih izbrali na podlagi odličnosti, mednarodne prepoznavnosti ter izjemno razvite izobraževalne dejavnosti. Izbrani tuji orkestri so: Londonski filharmonični orkester, Berlinski filharmoniki, Dunajski filharmoniki, Newyorška filharmonija, Losangeleška filharmonija, Simfonični orkester Cincinnati, Orkester Philadelphia in Orkester Cleveland. Prikazan je presek izobraževalne dejavnosti izbranih domačih in tujih orkestrov ter Glasbene mladine Slovenije in Glasbene mladine ljubljanske v koncertni sezoni 2013/2014. V tujini se je v devetdesetih letih 20. stoletja začela razvijati koncertna pedagogika, ki koncerte simfoničnih orkestrov prepleta s sodobnimi pedagoškimi pristopi in jih na razumljiv način posreduje poslušalcem. V Sloveniji ni opaznega razvoja tovrstne dejavnosti, pač pa gre za ustaljene procese ustvarjanja glasbeno-izobraževalnih programov, ki jih osrednje slovenske glasbene institucije izvajajo v sodelovanju z Glasbeno mladino Slovenije in Glasbeno mladino ljubljansko. Umetniški programi osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij vplivajo na kulturni razvoj šolske populacije ter otrokom in mladim omogočajo orientacijo k umetniško kvalitetni glasbi. Opazen je vpliv umetniških programov osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na željo mladih poslušalcev po nadaljnjem obiskovanju koncertov in opernih predstav, saj jo je izrazila približno četrtino mladih obiskovalcev koncertov in opernih predstav. Izrazit je pozitiven vpliv opernih predstav na mlade poslušalce, saj jih je polovica priznala, da so imeli o operi pred obiskom operne predstave predsodke, ki pa so s pozitivno operno izkušnjo izzveneli. Tudi 10 % učencev, ki so se udeležili koncerta simfoničnega orkestra, je po obisku koncerta izboljšalo svoje mnenje o tovrstnih koncertih. Številni mladi poslušalci se na umetniških programih, ki jih za šole izvajajo osrednje slovenske glasbene institucije, prvič srečajo z glasbeno umetnostjo, ob tem pa jih velika večina doživi pozitivno koncertno izkušnjo. Dobra polovica učencev je nad programi izrazila navdušenje, saj so ob ogledu koncertnih prireditev doživeli notranjo obogatitev.

Keywords:kulturno-umetnostna vzgoja, glasbena umetnost, glasbeno-izobraževalni programi, simfonične matineje, simfonični orkester
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Golobič]
Number of pages:XIII f., 312 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125835 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:287197184 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of artistic programs of slovenian principal musical foundations on cultural development and orientation of school population
The doctoral dissertation deals with the area of arts education in the field of music and the content is divided into eight chapters and subchapters which discuss the theoretical foundations of arts and cultural education, the placement of music in the Slovenian education system, the educational activity of Slovenian and selected foreign musical institutions and the influence of the central Slovenian musical institutions on the cultural development and orientation of the school population. Arts education plays an important role in improving the quality of education, raising the level of cultural awareness, promoting creativity in children and young people as well as in the development of each individual`s potentials and the development of society as a whole. Several national and international documents and studies highlight the importance of arts and cultural education and underline the need for continued systematic development of the field. In Slovenia children and young people have several possibilities to participate in music activities within the arts and cultural education that takes place both in elementary schools, music schools and some secondary schools as well as in cultural institutions. A competent teacher plays a crucial role in music education since in addition to curriculum planning he or she should also know the possibilities of cross-curricular integration and the possibility of placing the music into the wider school space within the educational plan of the school, extracurricular activities, optional subjects, cultural days, creative leisure activities, projects and competitions, and thus repeatedly establish partnership links with art institutions and artists. Artistic programs of the central Slovenian musical institutions include a number of programs aimed at school aged population which make it possible for children and young people to come into contact with musical arts and take care of the education of future generations of listeners. In the first half of the 20th century Glasbena matica was the central Slovenian music society with its Orchestral Society that first began to stage concerts with commentary for young listeners. In the sixties of the 20th century the role of the central Slovenian music society was taken over by Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Jeunesses Musicales Ljubljana. The societies in question even today systematically foster concert offers for young listeners, moreover, they give ground to talented young musicians (often a large part of the concert) who thus receive important concert experience. The activity of selected foreign symphony orchestras in addition to the concerts for young audiences and young musicians includes also educational programs for families, teachers and the general public allowing the orchestras to connect with the widest circle of listeners. The survey covers five Slovenian musical institutions, namely the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia, the Slovenian National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, Slovenian National Theatre Maribor and Cankarjev dom. In addition, it includes foreign symphony orchestras, which were selected on the basis of excellence, international recognition, and extremely well-developed educational activities. The selected foreign orchestras are: London Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, New York Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra and Cleveland Orchestra. The information below is a cross-section of educational activities of selected domestic and foreign orchestras and Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Ljubljana concert season 2013/2014. In the nineties of the 20th century most countries began to develop a concert pedagogy which combined the concerts of symphonic orchestras with modern pedagogical approaches in order to pass the message in understandable way to the listeners. In Slovenia there is no noticeable development of such activities, only a consistent process of creating music and educational programs which are performed by the central Slovenian music institutions in collaboration with Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Jeunesses Musicales Ljubljana. Artistic programs of the central Slovenian music institutions influence the cultural development of school population and guide children and young people towards artistic, quality music. There has been a noticeable influence of artistic programs of the central Slovenian musical institutions on the music wish of young listeners to continue attending concerts and opera performances, as expressed by about a quarter of young visitors of concerts and opera performances. It showed a positive impact of opera performances on young listeners since half of them admitted to being prejudiced against opera before visiting actual opera performances, which they eventually managed to overcome with a positive opera experience. Even 10 % of the students who attended the concert of the symphony orchestra improved their opinion about such concerts afterwards. For many young listeners arts programs that are organized for schools by the central Slovenian musical institutions represents their first encounter with musical arts and a vast majority has a positive concert experience. More than half of the pupils expressed their excitement about the programs as they felt that the concert events had enriched their lives.

Keywords:arts and cultural education, musical art, music-education programs, symphony matinees, symphony orchestra

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